[ARRL-ODV:7397] Section News QST and the Web

Jim Maxwell asked the following questions: 1. What of the members who wish to receive news from two or more Sections? Will their request be honored? Answer: No, mailings would be limited to Members of the Section. 2. Will a request be honored if a member wishes to receive all 71 Section News every month? Answer: No, but the plan is to include the Text Box information for each Section on the annual QST CD ROM.. 3. Will members have to somehow prove that they have no web access in order to receive the special mailings, or will they be available to all? Answer: Members will be asked if they have web access when they request this service. 4. What staff time is included? I see several places where staff time would be needed: printing, stuffing, and mailing, plus time required to edit and lay out the special version. Answer: SMs will be able to determine the significant Section News to be included in the Text Box. Staff will be able to automate the copying of material from the Text Box to mailed version of Section News. Once the mailing list is loaded the news can be printed, copied, folded, inserted in the envelopes and postage applied with minimal staff time. The 20 cents per copy figure is based upon a staff analysis of the relevant factors and includes, staff time, postage, paper, etc. 73, Jay, KØQB
participants (1)
John Bellows