[arrl-odv:23205] IN-News

IN-Newsletter Vol. 38, No. 23 August 20, 2014 - Covers the period August 10-16. Upcoming Meetings and Events United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI) September 29-October 3 - ARRL HQ Executive Committee: October 4 @ 8:30am - Memphis, TN LoTW Study Committee November 14 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT Administration & Finance Committee November 15 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Director/Vice Director Elections November 21 Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD Chief Development Officer Mary Hobart, K1MMH, retired from ARRL on July 31, 2014. We wish Mary much happiness in this next chapter of her life, and know she will continue to be an inspiration both within ARRL and with her family, friends and rowing companions. The Development Office is continuing her work on the Second Century Campaign to ensure all pledges and commitments are completed and acknowledged in a timely manner. We are pleased to welcome new Maxim Society member (#159) John V. Boehme, K4PRK, of Salem, SC. An Education & Technology Fund direct mail campaign is planned for mid-September. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Diane Petrilli reports that July ended with 164,363 members. This is 27 fewer members than end of June (a loss of 33 was forecasted, and in some years is closer to 200+). We have 1,796 members over the year-to-date goal. 74.95% of July 2014 expirees paid on time (vs. 74.85% last July). The National Centennial Convention in Hartford contributed 51 new members. A targeted mailing sent in June to lapsed and 'never' members in states closest to the Centennial Convention brought in over 200 members. Our exhibit at the International Exhibition of Radio Amateurs in Germany (late June) contributed 36 new members. The most common reason for joining ARRL in July is attributed to "word of mouth." Jackie Ferreira reports that July product sales were at $260,613, exceeding the sales forecast of $225,651. Direct sales were $148,945; dealer sales were $111,668. Year to date sales are $1,897,230. Sales at our exhibit at the ARRL National Centennial Convention contributed $40,786 to direct sales. Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity (reported by Steve Capodicasa): Week ending Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 8/15/2014 607 382 8/8/2014 578 437 We have officially taken the last orders for the limited edition ARRL Centennial Key, produced by Vibroplex. The first round of orders were received through March 31 and fulfilled by June. The second round of orders were received through July 31 and will be fulfilled by the end of September. A total of 935 keys were ordered. Yvette Vinci and Bob Inderbitzen attended the Huntsville Hamfest, held August 16-17, along with Lauren Clarke, Dan Henderson, and Jordan Sakal. Among the officials supporting ARRL's participation were Director Doug Rehman, Vice Director Michael Lee, and President Kay Craigie. A preliminary tally of membership applications totaled 164 (304 member years) including applications from 50 new and previous members. Dues totaled approximately $10,000; publication and product sales were over $7,600. Bob posted a photo album of the event to ARRL's Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152427279862408.1073741860.20069212407&type=1&l=c18ca7fbb3> page. This was the 5th ARRL Regional Centennial Event. The 6th and final event is hosted by Pacificon, which will be held October 10-12 in Santa Clara, California. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 5 Weeks Logbook Processing Time 3-5 Business Days Field Organization/Public Service Team As the September 5th petition deadline for Section Manager nominations (for the terms of office starting on January 1, 2015) draws closer, Leona Adams reports two more have arrived. Tom Walsh, K1TW, of Bedford, Massachusetts has been nominated to run for the Eastern Massachusetts SM position. Northern New York Section Manager Tom Dick, KF4GC, of Saranac Lake, has been nominated to run for a new term. One radio amateur from Tennessee successfully completed requirements to become an Official Observer this past week. Chuck Skolaut compiled and sent the monthly Official Observer Summary to all OOs, OOCs, and Section Managers. Chuck also checked into the ARRL and HR 4969 webinar, and he conducted one morning code practice at W1AW to fill in for vacationing staff. Steve Ewald completed worked on the July Field Organization Reports for October QST, and the 2014 Simulated Emergency Test Report forms including the Emergency Coordinator Annual Report form are ready to be downloaded from the ARRL Web page. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 9/1 Holiday Leona Adams 9/2-9/5 PTO Bob Allison 8/28-8/29 PTO `` 10/9-10/12 Florida State Convention, Melbourne, FL Allison Barbieri 8/25 PTO Steve Capodicasa 8/22 PTO `` 9/2 PTO Joe Carcia 8/22 PTO `` 8/29 PTO Lauren Clarke 10/9-10/13 Pacific Division Convention, Santa Clara, CA Steve Ewald 8/29-9/5 North Carolina State Convention, Shelby, NC/PTO Norm Fusaro 8/18-8/27 Tokyo HamFair, Tokyo, Japan / PTO Steve Ford 8/29-9/2 PTO Scott Gee 9/2-9/3 PTO `` 9/22-9/26 PTO Mike Gruber 8/25-8/29 PTO `` 9/29-10/3 PTO `` 10/10 PTO Ed Hare 8/22-8/24 West Virginia State Convention, Weston, WV `` 10/9-10/13 Pacific Division Convention, Santa Clara, CA Dan Henderson 8/12-8/21 GAREC/Southeastern Division Convention, Huntsville, AL/PTO `` 9/26-9/28 Washington State Convention, Spokane Valley, WA Gail Iannone 8/20-8/29 PTO Bob Inderbitzen 8/26 PTO `` 10/9-10/13 Pacific Division Convention, Santa Clara, CA Harold Kramer 8/22-8/29 PTO Diane Middleton 10/16-10/17 PTO Diane Petrilli 8/22 PTO `` 8/29 PTO `` 10/9-10/13 Pacific Division Convention, Santa Clara, CA AnnMarie Pinto 8/18-8/29 PTO Lisa Riendeau 8/19-8/28 PTO Kim Rochette 8/21-8/29 PTO Becky Schoenfeld 8/18-8/22 PTO `` 8/28-8/29 PTO Barry Shelley 8/18-8/22 PTO Chuck Skolaut 8/17-8/27 Kansas State Convention, Salina, KS/PTO Maria Somma 8/22 PTO Yvette Vinci 10/9-10/13 Pacific Division Convention, Santa Clara, CA
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ