RE: [arrl-odv:19379] Web Udate and Priorities

Harold, Thank you for the information. Thursday afternoon, I sent you questions/comments regarding the web site and what I believe to be a new contract/agreement with Fathom for features to be worked on for the website. I'd like answers to those questions. Some of the features being proposed under this new contract/agreement appear to be functionality that we had under the old website. Those questions/comments were: 1. Why are we giving more money to Fathom to add the same features we had under the old web site and should have been part of their original work? 2. How much extra are we now being asked to pay for the data downloads that SMs and ODV used to get under the old web site? 3. Why wasn't this done under the original proposal agreement? 4. What other features did we have on the old site that we need and used, and are not available on the new site? 5. We're over budget, way past the completion dates, still having problems with the new site AND still being asked to send more money to Fathom. Some new questions that come to mind: 6. Your items 5 and 15 - report generator and expanded RSS audio feeds is dependent upon a new agreement/contract with Fathom for additional work. Has A&F or the EC approved the expenditure of additional funds to Fathom, if not, under whose authority would those funds be released? 7. Several weeks ago, I found I no longer had access to download files within ODV. I sent a note to Dave K1ZZ and access was restored the following day. Early last week, I tried to get a list of clubs within the WPA Section on the Search for ARRL Affiliated Clubs in public side of the website and was presented with a list of the first 8 clubs within WPA. Upon selecting "next" for the next 8 clubs, the search was lost and I was given page 2 for 2196 clubs. I passed that information to Katie who acknowledged the search list was not operating properly and she would see about getting it fixed. To date, it still isn't fixed and I haven't been told when it might be fixed. It would be nice to know what bugs or problems we are still seeing with the website. Perhaps a listing from Bugzilla posted on ODV? 8. Item 11 - Make Interactive Forums Operational. I'd rather see features/functions of the old website put in place before we do any additional work on making new features work and I know my members and volunteers within the Atlantic Division feel the same way. 9. Item 15 - Expanded RSS Audio Feeds. Same is my item 8. Thank you. - Bill N3LLR From: Kramer, Harold, WJ1B [] Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 9:05 AM To: arrl-odv Cc: Patton, David NN1N; Kramer, Harold, WJ1B; Johnson, Debra, K1DMJ; Hare, Ed W1RFI; Glass, Katie, KB1ULQ; Somma, Maria, AB1FM; Ford, Steve, WB8IMY; Bloom, Jon, KE3Z; Inderbitzen, Bob, NQ1R; Pitts, Allen W1AGP; Jahnke, Deb, K1DAJ Subject: [arrl-odv:19379] Web Udate and Priorities To: ODV and Department Heads To bring everyone up to date, I have attached a Word 2003 (to assure compatiblity) document that outlines the status of the current Web updates along with assigned prioirities. Please let me know if you have any questons. 73, Harold Harold Kramer, WJ1B Chief Operating Officer ARRL - The National Association for Amateur Radio 225 Main Street Newington , CT 06111 860 594 0220
participants (1)
Bill Edgar