[arrl-odv:19733] IN-News

<<030211.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 34, No. 9 March 2, 2011 -- Covers the period February 20-26. Upcoming Meetings and Events Executive Committee: March 19 @ 8:30am - Chicago, IL Regulatory Information Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND Most of the week of February 21 was spent working on the ARRL response to H.R. 607. A sample letter for members to send to their Representatives was finalized and posted to the ARRL Website, with a story posted for the ARRL News. A direct appeal was sent through the ARRL Grassroots system to the DLACs asking them to put the program into action. A similar request was sent to the ARRL Section Managers (thanks to Steve Ewald WV1X) and to the ARRL Public Information Officers (thanks to Allen Pitts, W1AGP). By week's end, Chwat & Co. reported several hundred letters have already been received. We also continued work on the second issue of the ARRL Legislative Action Update, which will be released the week of February 28. The issue will contain additional information on H.R. 607. We were notified during the week that Ryan Cairnes, K3XC, lost his appeal to the Charlotte Mecklenburg (NC) Zoning Board. After originally issuing Mr. Cairnes a permit, and after the tower was installed, the city later claimed the permit was improperly issued due to a setback requirement not being applied. Working with ARRL Volunteer Counsel Larry Ford, KG4GPJ, a hearing was held February 22, where Mr. Cairnes appeal was denied. Mr. Ford believes there are appealable issues and Mr. Cairnes will be making a decision on appealing to the NC court systems once formally notified of the decision in writing. Apparently, by coincidence, a new zoning ordinance has been introduced to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Council that limits the height of any auxiliary structure on a land parcel zoned residential to 24-feet. NC Section Manager Bill Morine, N2COP, has begun working with local amateurs to put together a plan to fight the proposed ordinance. ARRL Regulatory Information Manager will now be attending the NC Section Convention - Charlotte Hamfest in March. While there, he will meet with Mr. Cairnes on his zoning appeal and with Charlotte hams to discuss effective ways to fight the ordinance. Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP More work has been done for our opposition to HR-607. The script for a video made with the volunteer help of Al Petrunti, KA1TCH, is in the final stages for shooting on March 10. More materials have been sent to Chwat & Co for their use there. A standard logo opening for future ARRL videos has been created by Kevin O'Dell, N0IRW. The March issue of CONTACT! has been posted. Historic media information about EmComm actions has been sent to Len Shaffer for use in the Zubarau antenna case. Working with several California SM's I am trying to avoid Amateur Radio operators appearing in a bad light on the TV show "Hoarders." Initial information has been sent to several national media outlets about a coming (April) "Talk to the aliens" contest and video involving Arizona State University, EME by hams and Lucy Hawking (daughter of Stephen). Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH The first two months of 2011 have seen an increase in support for the Spectrum Defense Fund over the same period in 2010. Revenues through the end of February have reached $34,969 versus $18,218 for the first two months of 2010. Production for the first issue of Spectrum Defense Matters for 2011 is underway and once the articles for the newsletter are in, the mailing will be sent to all prior Defense donors. The newsletter will then be sent to other ARRL members via bulk email and posted on the Spectrum Defense pages of the ARRL web site. Revenues for the Diamond Club are lagging behind the 2010 totals for the first two months. In 2010 the special mailing about monthly giving was sent out at the beginning of February - a full month before the 2011 letters were mailed. So far in 2011 net revenues have reached $37,085 from 413 donations versus $50,094 for the first two months of 2010. Development is actively working to close out estate gifts from David Anshus and Caroline Gmelin. Work continues on the Second Century Campaign with the active recruiting of a Campaign Chairman, investigation into prospect research firms, and discussions about tracking processes for prospect contact and gift management. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE Joel Hallas provided a "Doctor is IN" session at Ham-Con, the Vermont Ham Radio Convention, on February 26. Because of the snowstorm on the planned travel day, the presentation was made using Skype VoIP. It worked well with lively Q&A until the next session took over the room. Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for February 24, 2011. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R February ended with 156,316 members--375 fewer than our month-end goal of 156,691. 72% of February 2011 expirees paid on time (vs. 72% last February). Acquisition included returns from 2 large recent membership campaigns. We continue to solicit, by email, lapsed members and those with both active and expired Web site "guest" accounts. We also solicited lapsed-member Technicians and Generals with targeted messaging to upgrade their license class. Email solicitations brought in 266 memberships this month. February product sales were $237,421. We experienced the highest sales for the month since February 2007. The amount fell short of the forecast of $249,180. Direct sales were $118,471; dealer sales were $118,950. A 2,000 piece membership mailing was sent to active VE's who are lapsed- or never-members. In the past, these mailings have pulled at a 1.3% to 2.3% rate. We updated the package sent to prospective hams to include new collateral as well as a personalized letter and strong call to action to join ARRL and get a ham radio license. The 2011 Field Day items featured in April QST will be available for order mid-March, with delivery beginning April 1. This year's product line includes a Polo shirt, hat, pin, and pack of posters. Now Shipping: The ARRL Extra Class License Manual -- revised Ninth Edition (book and CD-ROM), and The ARRL Instructor's Manual for Technician License Courses. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Branch Credits Applications 2010 Carryover 151,271 1,119 2011 Received 55,195 557 Cumulative Total 206,466 1,676 2011 Processed 159,709 1,277 Remaining 46,757 399 Processing Time 7 Weeks Logbook of the World Category February 2011 % Change Jan - Feb 2011 QSO Records Entered Into System 329,281,676 1% QSL Record Matches 37,979,390 3% Logs Processed 1,945,714 3% Active Certificates 58,793 2% Registered Users in System 39,003 2% Logbook (Email Only) Inquiries February 2011 Maintenance 935 Initial Setup Inquiries 1,004 Award Related Concerns 206 Customer Usage Issues 630 Phone Calls 308 Total 3,083 W1AW Joe created the texts for the March W1AW Qualifying Runs. He updated the web code practice files and the web Qualifying Run schedules. He also processed regular QSL card requests. Joe made yet another repair to the ailing Command Technologies HF-2500C 40-meter amplifier and placed the repaired Ameritron AL-1200 amplifier back into service in the broadcast racks. He also prepared the upstairs conference room for the Lab staff. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the early part of the month of March. He also assisted the DXCC department with editing. Field Organization/Public Service Team On February 22, the Arkansas Section Manager election ballots were counted, and Dale Temple, W5RXU, was declared the winner over incumbent Section Manager J.M. Rowe, N5XFW. Dale, from North Little Rock, has served as Section Communications Manager from 1981 to 1983, and he was the Arkansas Section Manager from January through September of 1988. Dale's 2-year term of office begins April 1. Leona Adams, Chuck Skolaut, Gail Iannone and Steve Ewald helped with the ballot counting. Leona reported that incumbent Section Managers Jim Cross, WI3N (Maryland-DC); Al Shuman, K1AKS (New Hampshire) and Bob Beaudet, W1YRC (Rhode Island) have submitted nomination petitions to run for new terms of office that begin July 1. The receipt deadline for nominating petitions is March 4 for this particular election cycle. One radio amateur from Western Washington completed certification to become an Official Observer this past week. An unknown digital signal was observed in Tennessee and Indiana on 3553.5 kHz. This signal is being investigated. Also, an unknown signal on 7158 kHz has been noted. Chuck Skolaut also heard from Volunteer monitors who reported an the "gurgle" on 18090 kHz, Spanish speaking stations on 30 meters, and Radio Australia on 7140 kHz. Questions that were fielded this past week included the legality of music on the ham bands from an overseas radio amateur, antenna restrictions, Advanced and Extra class privileges, and operation aboard a cruise ship in international waters. Education Services Reported by Debra Johnson, K1DMJ Licensing Instruction We released the new Instructors Manual for Technician License Instruction with a special one week offer for a free copy with a purchase of a Ham Radio License Manual. This promotion generated $5,668 of revenue; 135 free copies were distributed. In early February we sent an e-newsletter to a circulation of 7,333 instructors, teachers and other subscribers. Thanks to some programming changes addressed by IT, I believe this distribution really did reach all subscribers! As has become a pattern, the newsletter release generated more than 70 registrations within the following 2 weeks. The Instructor Manual promotion probably helped too. Education & Technology Program The 2011 Teachers Institute schedule was published in an article in February QST with follow up ads in March, April and May. Applications are posted and printed brochures are being distributed. We have received 11 applications thus far. We are working through some challenges with resources for the TIs this summer related to product discontinuations and board component replacements/redesigns, etc. Nathan McCray, K9CPO has been corresponding with schools awarded grants in the November 2010 round, working through installation challenges to get equipment packages together. The ARRL Lab was of great assistance helping to figure out some of the more challenging installation issues. The equipment list went out to bid and is now being ordered thanks to assistance from Deb Jahnke K1DAJ and Kim Rochette. The results from the Penn State University survey to TI participants have been reported and are being evaluated. Overall, the assessment is that the resources are valued and are being enthusiastically implemented by teachers when and where they have the resources to do so. ARISS Some exciting contacts were recorded with US schools during January and February. January 28: Foster Heights Elementary School and Nelson County Area Technology Center in Bardstown, Kentucky interviewed astronaut Catherine (Cady) Coleman, KC5ZTH. The ARISS contact activities were led by ARRL ETP teacher Charlie Cantrill, KI4RDT. Ham radio operators who are high school students at the Nelson County Area Technology Center were control ops for the QSO. The school's students and students from Foster Heights Elementary School worked together on educational preparation for the QSO. Lessons in the months leading up to the contact included: frequency and wavelength, radio waves, radio propagation, crystal radios, shortwave radios, electrical circuits, electricity and magnetism, electromagnetic spectrum, measuring volts, GPS, satellite orbits, ham radio satellites, early communications systems including radio, and Morse code. Stories about educational outcomes were posted on the Kentucky Standard <http://www.kystandard.com/content/foster-heights-students-use-amateur-r adio-speak-astronaut> , and on WLKY <http://www.wlky.com/video/26655452/detail.html> 's web pages. February 3: Adobe Bluffs Elementary School, San Diego, CA. read about the contact including the role of 10 year old Lauren McLaughlin, KJ6KDZ,a fourth grader at Adobe Bluffs Elementary School who assisted as control operator, at the following news links: KPBS.org news <http://www.kpbs.org/news/2011/feb/03/poway-students-connect-space-ham-r adio/> , NBC San Diego news <http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local-beat/Kids-Get-a-Visit-From-Space- 115230309.html> , NC Times News <http://www.nctimes.com/news/local/poway/article_6fd8025d-4033-5eb8-963a -6a8306613df0.html> , Sign On San Diego News <http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2011/feb/03/students-get-science-les son-space/> . February 10: Lake Silver Elementary School, Orlando, FL. A QSO with Astronaut Cady Coleman, KC5ZTH, was the crowning event of a series of science lessons and activities led by Eric Yuhasz, a 2010 Teachers Institute participant. ARISS volunteer David Jordan, AA4KN, visited classrooms beforehand to engage students in how the radio contact would work and allow the students to see and use a ham radio setup. Earlier activities had included studies on force and motion, sound waves, layers of the atmosphere, and how the ISS actually got into space and why it stays in orbit. Students learned to "do the math" to determine the speed the ISS travels and the time it takes to orbit the earth, they measured areas outside their school that are equal to the size of the ISS, and prepared reports on the benefit of space travel. The goal of the lessons was to offer studies that truly get students excited about space exploration and science. In addition to the US contacts noted above, astronauts conducted QSOs with Istituto Comprensivo, in Belluno, Italy January 25, Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace in Poland January 26, Buehl-Realschule Dornstadt in Dornstadt, Germany, February 2, Matsubara High School in Matsubara, Osaka, Japan, February 14 and Victory Primary School, in Nelson, New Zealand, February 22. Also during this period the ARISS/AMSAT team experienced elation and disappointment as the ARISSat-1 was ushered through the final hurdles to be loaded, launched and delivered to the ISS only to have the release date postponed by RSC-Energia management. On February 10, Energia decided to run a pre-deployment test of ARISSat after it had reached the ISS via their Progress rocket. The US team learned about the test only shortly beforehand, but helped prepare instructions for the cosmonauts on using the ARISS Kenwood radio and one of the four ARISS antennas on the outside of the Service Module. The cosmonauts reported that the test results were fine, and several AMSAT ARISS at team members heard the signals. AMSAT was told the next day that RSC-Energia had decided to deploy ARISS at during a summer spacewalk instead of this week's spacewalk. Energia cited changes in the spacewalk's task list. Rosalie White K1STO networked with the school program coordinator at the Kopernik Observatory in Vestal, NY, who had worked with a group of schools late last year on curriculum related to an ARISS QSO. The teachers have shared some of their lessons and syllabus information they incorporated into their classrooms in the months preceding their ARISS QSO with ARRL to share with other teachers around the globe via our web pages. Continuing Education Program Jennifer Knapp continues to manage the editing process of the new Introduction to EmComm course as sections are developed by CTDLC. The final assessment is the last piece yet to be developed before beta testing can begin. When all is in place a beta review of the entire course can begin. Jennifer and I continue working with Dennis Budd and Maureen Farmer on specifications for the admin system for the Continuing Education Program. IT plans for the completion of the admin system in mid-March. We have revised the website to reflect policy changes in the emcomm training program, including initiating new requirements and a new application process for emcomm field instructors. Work with CTDLC on the integration to the Moodle platform is underway. Tests of data exchange between the Moodle platform and the CEP admin system will continue while the beta course review is underway. We are continuing our work in good faith while trying to conclude an agreement with CTDLC for these integration services and their ongoing hosting of our Moodle platform but have run into some delays and additional contract requirements. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List Scott Gee 3/30-4/1 Vacation Mary Hobart 3/4 Vacation Joel Kleinman 3/10-3/11 Vacation Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative Dan Henderson 3/4-3/7 Alabama Section Convention, Birmingham, AL Harold Kramer 3/4-3/5 South Texas Section Convention, Rosenberg, TX Dan Henderson 3/9-3/14 North Carolina Section Convention, Concord, NC Mary Hobart 3/11-3/13 North Carolina Section Convention, Concord, NC Diane Petrilli 3/14-3/16 ASAE Training, Colorado Springs, CO Steve Ewald 3/18-3/20 Nebraska State Convention, Lincoln, NE Bob Inderbitzen 3/31-4/2 AES Superfest, Milwaukee, WI Allen Pitts 4/15-4/18 Communications Academy, Seattle, WA Dan Henderson 4/22-4/24 Louisiana State Convention, Monroe, LA
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ