[arrl-odv:20263] False alarm

Gang, I just got off the phone with Ed Parkinson of the House Homeland Security Committee staff. He explained that while the amendment adding the offensive text to H.R. 3116 was part of the bill at one point, it was removed by a "perfecting amendment" introduced by Rep. Billy Long of Missouri and is NOT in the bill that will be going to the House floor. You may recall that Rep. Long got some heat from his local press about his co-sponsorship of H.R. 607 and subsequent met with amateurs in his district, so it's noteworthy that he went to bat for us. At this point there is not a "clean" version of H.R. 3116 as reported out of committee available. The House is out of session next week and there is no way to predict when one will be available, but Ed will call me as soon as it is. So, you can have a nice weekend after all. 73, Dave K1ZZ
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ