[arrl-odv:33477] Fwd: FCC Fee

FWIW. Can K3ZJ either confirm or deny? ..... 73; Mike W7VO
---------- Original Message ---------- From: Riley McLean <w7ril@yahoo.com> To: "w7vo@arrl.org" <w7vo@arrl.org> Date: 03/05/2022 9:02 PM Subject: FCC Fee
Hey Mike...
We had our monthly Valley Radio Club meeting on the air last night (Mar. 4th) and we got some info from one of our long time members. Kenton Srurdavnt, K7BQ, he is our long time FCC local contact person. He has known all those in the know at the FCC. Including Riley Hollingsworth and Laura Smith and others going back 40 years or so. He told us that in the last two days he was on a conference call with a group at the FCC and was told that when the computer glitches are ironed out the $35.00 fee will go into effect on or about April 25th. So we should get the 30 day notice of this action about March 25th. Kenton told the whole group about this over the air so a lot of folks heard it. And I don't doubt what Kenton had to say.
I thought you should know this little piece of info as I know you keep getting asked when the fee goes into effect all the time. Maybe you can give them some kind of an answer now..
Stay well.
Thanks for all you do for ham radio.
73, Riley, W7RIL Valley Radio Club, Prez Eugene

Mike, I personally have not heard anything, but I this morning I asked and my query has been referred to the people who handle this. Will let you know what I hear. 73, Dave From: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org> on behalf of Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net> Date: Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 8:52 AM To: "arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org" <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Subject: [arrl-odv:33477] Fwd: FCC Fee FWIW. Can K3ZJ either confirm or deny? ..... 73; Mike W7VO ---------- Original Message ---------- From: Riley McLean <w7ril@yahoo.com> To: "w7vo@arrl.org" <w7vo@arrl.org> Date: 03/05/2022 9:02 PM Subject: FCC Fee Hey Mike... We had our monthly Valley Radio Club meeting on the air last night (Mar. 4th) and we got some info from one of our long time members. Kenton Srurdavnt, K7BQ, he is our long time FCC local contact person. He has known all those in the know at the FCC. Including Riley Hollingsworth and Laura Smith and others going back 40 years or so. He told us that in the last two days he was on a conference call with a group at the FCC and was told that when the computer glitches are ironed out the $35.00 fee will go into effect on or about April 25th. So we should get the 30 day notice of this action about March 25th. Kenton told the whole group about this over the air so a lot of folks heard it. And I don't doubt what Kenton had to say. I thought you should know this little piece of info as I know you keep getting asked when the fee goes into effect all the time. Maybe you can give them some kind of an answer now.. Stay well. Thanks for all you do for ham radio. 73, Riley, W7RIL Valley Radio Club, Prez Eugene
participants (2)
david davidsiddall-law.com
Michael Ritz