Members of the board. I received the following message from International affairs Vice President Rod Stafford, W6ROD. The League will be casting it's vote for the listed candidate in region II (Tim Ellam) as well as for the office of president of the IARU. Jim Haynie, W5JBP ====================================== For President of IARU: Pursuant to our discussions and agreement at the 2002 AC meeting in San Marino, the only candidate for President of IARU is Larry Price W4RA. For Vice President of IARU: For the office of IARU Vice President, the Region 1 Executive Committee has submitted Wojciech Nietyksza SP5FM. Two member societies from Region 1, RSGB and DARC, have requested Bob Whelan G3PJT be considered for the position of IARU Vice President. The Region 2 Executive Committee has submitted Tim Ellam VE6SH for consideration for IARU Vice President. I believe each of these individuals is well known to the members of the IARU Administrative Council. At this point, I would like to get consensus among the members of the Administrative Council as to whether these candidates are suitably qualified to serve as officers of the IARU. I suppose the easiest way to approach the subject is if you feel any of the candidates ARE NOT suitably qualified to serve as officers of the IARU, could you please share that with the other members of the AC at your earliest opportunity. 73, Rod Stafford W6ROD On behalf of the International Secretariat
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