[ARRL-ODV:10175] Re: Region 3 Conference Report

Since you mention it... WG 2 spent quite a bit of time on BPL. Believe it or not, we're in a better position than amateurs in many countries; the "unlicensed devices may not cause harmful interference and have no protection" principle that we tend to take for granted isn't universal. Just as a reference point, here is the section of the WG 2 report dealing with BPL. Hilary Claytonsmith, G4JKS, of RSGB helped a lot with drafting the Recommendation, which was adopted by the Plenary. The content of the Recommendation may seem self-evident, but except for JARL and KARL (who have professional staff) and WIA (which is blessed with talented volunteers) the Region 3 societies don't have a lot of resources for advocacy on a technical issue and it's helpful to them to have it spelled out. Anyone who is interested and has extra time on their hands can look at the cited documents at the Region 3 Web site, http://www.jarl.or.jp/iaru-r3/12r3c/docs/docs.htm. I was glad to be able to spend more time at the conference on issues like this than on issues like American Samoa. I don't think Rod feels he was as lucky. 73, Dave K1ZZ Agenda Item 11.8 EMC and Standards HL1AQQ presented Document 30 on behalf of KARL. It offers study proposals with regard to Power Line Communications (PLC, also called PLT and BPL). VK3PC introduced Document 36 which summarizes the Australian experience. Page 5 of the JARL report, Document 7, also was noted. There was extensive discussion of experiences with PLC in various countries inside and outside of Region 3. Document 69 previously had been presented in Plenary; HL1AQQ noted that in addition to PLC, UWB and ISM are areas of growing EMC concern. Based on these documents and the discussion, WG 2 makes the following recommendation: Recommendation WG2-2 That Member Societies 1. educate their members on the interference potential from PLC 2. should start an HF users group covering all users of the HF spectrum, including but not limited to civil aviation, maritime, land transportation, military, and shortwave broadcasters and listeners 3. communicate with their Administrations on all issues relating to PLC 4. monitor any trials in their country and request of their Administrations participation in any trials 5. make their members and opinion leaders, including political officials, aware of the results of trial monitoring (video, audio, etc) 6. become involved in technical forums which lead to the setting of standards for both permissible levels and test methods and procedures 7. share information via their Web sites 8. support Region 3 in their collection of data and results of trials of PLC Document 35 from WIA was noted for information. -----Original Message----- From: Goddard, Art (Dir, SW) Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 4:38 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10174] Re: Region 3 Conference Report For BPL to go away? dARTh ----- Original Message ----- From: "R. B. Vallio" <w6rgg@sbcglobal.net> To: "arrl-odv" <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:55 PM Subject: [ARRL-ODV:10173] Re: Region 3 Conference Report Region 3 Conference ReportGreat job, great report, great outcome. What more could we ask for? Thanks, Dave. Bob W6RGG
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ