[ARRL-ODV:10496] I'm back

I'm back in the office today following attendance as IARU Secretary at a successful meeting of the IARU Region 1 Executive Committee in Sofia, Bulgaria. Prior to the meeting I took three days of vacation to visit friends in Serbia. This turned into a "road trip" during which we visited radio clubs in four cities: YU1EXY in Belgrade, YU7BCD in Pancevo, YU1GUV in Paracin, and YU1AST in Nis. A visit Tuesday afternoon to the LZ9W contest station 50 km west of Sofia capped the trip. Right now my priorities are the June QST editorial, preparing for Saturday's A&F Committee meeting, and doing whatever else needs attention before I leave for Geneva next Tuesday afternoon for a WRC-07 preparatory meeting of ITU-R Working Party 6E (terrestrial broadcasting). WP 6E has the ball on HF BC expansion in the 4-10 MHz range. After that trip I will be back in the office May 7. In Geneva I will have more time and ability to keep up with email (The meeting rooms at the ITU are equipped with WiFi) than I did in Serbia and Bulgaria, although the problem there was simply a lack of time rather than a lack of access. Waiting for me this morning was a message from Tom Rauch, W8JI, complaining about the FCC's inevitable denial of the ill-advised petition to partition the 160-meter band. My reply to Tom is attached. 73, Dave K1ZZ <<RE: Topband: FCC Dismisses RM-10352 160 Petition>>
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ