[arrl-odv:21430] IN-News

<<010913.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 36, No. 2 January 9, 2013 -- Covers the period December 30-January 5. Upcoming Meetings and Events Administration & Finance Committee January 17 @ 8:30am in New Orleans, LA Programs & Services Committee January 17 @ 9:00am in New Orleans, LA Annual Board Meeting January 18-19, 2013 @ 9:00am in New Orleans, LA Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD Development had a successful 2012: total revenues reached $926,904 or 92% of the 2012 target. Results for 2012: In the Second Century Campaign, 100% of the SCC Committee made their commitments totaling $620,258 in cash and planned gifts. Officers and Directors of the ARRL Board made their gifts and commitments with only one Director not participating. Gifts for the year totaled $900,000 bringing aggregated SCC commitments to a grand total to $3.9 million to date. The Diamond Club exceeded its goal of $295,000 by $3,867. Revenue from unrestricted giving and Combined Federal Campaign commitments was $70,351, just over target. The Spectrum Defense Fund realized $340,181, 91% of the goal of $375,000. The Education & Technology Fund exceeded its goal, raising more than $200,000 to support TI's and other educational efforts. The W1AW Endowment Fund resulted in more than $55,000 to be added to the endowment in support of the HPM Memorial Station. The Maxim Society has welcomed it's 120th member; we welcome Jim Maxwell, K8JE. Thank you to everyone who helped in our efforts - we are looking forward to another successful year. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Diane Petrilli reports that ARRL membership ended the year on a strong note with 160,278 members-a membership high water mark not seen since March 2002. Membership grew 1.56% (0.86% in 2011; 0.22% in 2010). The gains are attributed to greater than predicted acquisition and positive response to promotion of the new digital edition of QST membership benefit. Membership was up 641 members from November. 75% of December 2012 expirees paid on time (vs. 74% last December). Jackie Ferreira reports that December product sales were $304,485-coming close to the sales forecast of $311,765. Direct sales were $182,951; dealer sales were $121,534. Total sales in 2012 were $3,113,449 ($3,189,327 in 2011), 98.5% of the forecast goal. Direct sales were $1,849,487; dealer sales were $1,283,962. Demand for The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual was high in the fourth quarter. New book Radios to Go! contributed sales of $9,035 in December, with 643 units sold. Summary of Sales and Marketing Department telephone group (reported by Amy Hurtado): Week of Phone calls Per hour Average wait Complete without transfer 12/16/12 1179 26.2 46 sec 81% 12/23/12 575 21.2 38 sec 92% 12/30/12 756 21 39 sec 81% For the month of December 4,344 calls were received by the Sales and Marketing Department. Below is a review of the volume by month for 2012 starting in August when the call monitor software was installed: Call Summary By Month Month Total Calls August 2012 3,980 September 2012 3,533 October 2012 4,209 November 2012 4,308 December 2012 4,344 Member Service Representatives processed 4,281 orders in December (4,511 in December 2011). Year Total Orders 2011 38,812 2012 43,839 Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity (reported by Steve Capodicasa): Week of Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 12/30/13 679 0 A handful of our staff worked with the Accounting Department to complete the annual physical inventory/audit. There were no orders processed or shipped on Wednesday and Thursday, as the entire inventory was counted and reviewed. Order processing and fulfillment resumed on Friday, Jan 4. Royalties earned for the ARRL Visa credit card totaled $38,385 in 2012 ($37,979 in 2011). Bob Inderbitzen has prepared materials for the ARRL Puerto Rico State Convention, being held in late-January. Membership promotion materials have been supplied in both English and Spanish. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 5 Weeks Field Organization/Public Service Team Chuck Skolaut compiled and sent the monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report to the IARU Region 2 Coordinator. Information was received and forwarded to the FCC regarding problems on a linked repeater system in Nevada, interference to a net in Kentucky, and problems on a Wisconsin repeater. Questions handled included operating overseas, singing music on repeaters, a recent product review, using AM and FM transmissions on the bands and amateurs operating outside their license privileges. Leona Adams received and turned in many Section Manager 2012 expense reports as the Friday, January 4, receipt deadline approached. Election ballots and candidate statements for the Montana Section Manager election were sent out ahead of schedule on December 28 with thanks to the Mailroom staff. Steve Ewald assisted Jim Cross, WI3N, the Chair of the Emergency Communications Advisory Committee, by asking ARRL Section Emergency Coordinators and Section Managers to send the ECAC photographs of their local Amateur Radio Emergency Service identification badges. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations Steve Capodicasa 1/16 PTO Dan Henderson 12/17-1/7 PTO `` 1/16-1/20 BOD Meeting / Committee Meeting, New Orleans, LA Mary Hobart 1/16-1/20 BOD Meeting / Committee Meeting, New Orleans, LA Amy Hurtado 1/14 PTO `` 1/21 PTO Bob Inderbitzen 1/24-1/28 ARRL PR State Convention `` 1/29-1/30 PTO Harold Kramer 1/16-1/20 BOD Meeting / Committee Meeting, New Orleans, LA Lisa Kustosik 1/16-1/20 BOD Meeting / Committee Meeting, New Orleans, LA Barry Shelley 1/16-1/20 BOD Meeting / Committee Meeting, New Orleans, LA Dave Sumner 1/16-1/20 BOD Meeting / Committee Meeting, New Orleans, LA

Good afternoon, I am embarrassed that our Development Report contained a serious error in identifying the newest Maxim Society member. The newest member should be Director Jim Weaver, K8JE. 73, Mary K1MMH Mary M. Hobart, K1MMH Chief Development Officer ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio(tm) Telephone: 860-594-0397 Fax: 860-594-0259 email: mhobart@arrl.org <mailto:mhobart@arrl.org> From: arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 2:47 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:21430] IN-News <<010913.doc>> IN-Newsletter Vol. 36, No. 2 January 9, 2013 -- Covers the period December 30-January 5. Upcoming Meetings and Events Administration & Finance Committee January 17 @ 8:30am in New Orleans, LA Programs & Services Committee January 17 @ 9:00am in New Orleans, LA Annual Board Meeting January 18-19, 2013 @ 9:00am in New Orleans, LA Development Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD Development had a successful 2012: total revenues reached $926,904 or 92% of the 2012 target. Results for 2012: In the Second Century Campaign, 100% of the SCC Committee made their commitments totaling $620,258 in cash and planned gifts. Officers and Directors of the ARRL Board made their gifts and commitments with only one Director not participating. Gifts for the year totaled $900,000 bringing aggregated SCC commitments to a grand total to $3.9 million to date. The Diamond Club exceeded its goal of $295,000 by $3,867. Revenue from unrestricted giving and Combined Federal Campaign commitments was $70,351, just over target. The Spectrum Defense Fund realized $340,181, 91% of the goal of $375,000. The Education & Technology Fund exceeded its goal, raising more than $200,000 to support TI's and other educational efforts. The W1AW Endowment Fund resulted in more than $55,000 to be added to the endowment in support of the HPM Memorial Station. The Maxim Society has welcomed it's 120th member; we welcome Jim Maxwell, K8JE. Thank you to everyone who helped in our efforts - we are looking forward to another successful year. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Diane Petrilli reports that ARRL membership ended the year on a strong note with 160,278 members-a membership high water mark not seen since March 2002. Membership grew 1.56% (0.86% in 2011; 0.22% in 2010). The gains are attributed to greater than predicted acquisition and positive response to promotion of the new digital edition of QST membership benefit. Membership was up 641 members from November. 75% of December 2012 expirees paid on time (vs. 74% last December). Jackie Ferreira reports that December product sales were $304,485-coming close to the sales forecast of $311,765. Direct sales were $182,951; dealer sales were $121,534. Total sales in 2012 were $3,113,449 ($3,189,327 in 2011), 98.5% of the forecast goal. Direct sales were $1,849,487; dealer sales were $1,283,962. Demand for The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual was high in the fourth quarter. New book Radios to Go! contributed sales of $9,035 in December, with 643 units sold. Summary of Sales and Marketing Department telephone group (reported by Amy Hurtado): Week of Phone calls Per hour Average wait Complete without transfer 12/16/12 1179 26.2 46 sec 81% 12/23/12 575 21.2 38 sec 92% 12/30/12 756 21 39 sec 81% For the month of December 4,344 calls were received by the Sales and Marketing Department. Below is a review of the volume by month for 2012 starting in August when the call monitor software was installed: Call Summary By Month Month Total Calls August 2012 3,980 September 2012 3,533 October 2012 4,209 November 2012 4,308 December 2012 4,344 Member Service Representatives processed 4,281 orders in December (4,511 in December 2011). Year Total Orders 2011 38,812 2012 43,839 Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity (reported by Steve Capodicasa): Week of Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 12/30/13 679 0 A handful of our staff worked with the Accounting Department to complete the annual physical inventory/audit. There were no orders processed or shipped on Wednesday and Thursday, as the entire inventory was counted and reviewed. Order processing and fulfillment resumed on Friday, Jan 4. Royalties earned for the ARRL Visa credit card totaled $38,385 in 2012 ($37,979 in 2011). Bob Inderbitzen has prepared materials for the ARRL Puerto Rico State Convention, being held in late-January. Membership promotion materials have been supplied in both English and Spanish. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 5 Weeks Field Organization/Public Service Team Chuck Skolaut compiled and sent the monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report to the IARU Region 2 Coordinator. Information was received and forwarded to the FCC regarding problems on a linked repeater system in Nevada, interference to a net in Kentucky, and problems on a Wisconsin repeater. Questions handled included operating overseas, singing music on repeaters, a recent product review, using AM and FM transmissions on the bands and amateurs operating outside their license privileges. Leona Adams received and turned in many Section Manager 2012 expense reports as the Friday, January 4, receipt deadline approached. Election ballots and candidate statements for the Montana Section Manager election were sent out ahead of schedule on December 28 with thanks to the Mailroom staff. Steve Ewald assisted Jim Cross, WI3N, the Chair of the Emergency Communications Advisory Committee, by asking ARRL Section Emergency Coordinators and Section Managers to send the ECAC photographs of their local Amateur Radio Emergency Service identification badges. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations Steve Capodicasa 1/16 PTO Dan Henderson 12/17-1/7 PTO `` 1/16-1/20 BOD Meeting / Committee Meeting, New Orleans, LA Mary Hobart 1/16-1/20 BOD Meeting / Committee Meeting, New Orleans, LA Amy Hurtado 1/14 PTO `` 1/21 PTO Bob Inderbitzen 1/24-1/28 ARRL PR State Convention `` 1/29-1/30 PTO Harold Kramer 1/16-1/20 BOD Meeting / Committee Meeting, New Orleans, LA Lisa Kustosik 1/16-1/20 BOD Meeting / Committee Meeting, New Orleans, LA Barry Shelley 1/16-1/20 BOD Meeting / Committee Meeting, New Orleans, LA Dave Sumner 1/16-1/20 BOD Meeting / Committee Meeting, New Orleans, LA
participants (2)
Hobart, Mary K1MMH
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ