[ARRL-ODV:10109] Name That Tune

Just to keep the synapses firing, how about a contest for ARRL Members to propose names for the three classes of license? 73, dARTh Rules: 1) The names shall be submitted as a set of three 2) No name shall exceed 6 alphanumeric characters in length 3) No name shall deprecate the holder of that class of license 4) All names shall be PC 5) All names shall impress the general public and served agencies 6) No name shall be cause confusion 7) No name shall violated a copyright, trademark or servicemark 8) Each set of names may be given a title for quick reference during the contest Examples: Status Quo: Novice - General - Extra (Violates rules 2, 3 & 5) Blandsville: ClassC - ClassB - ClassA (Violates rule 5) Colorful: Red - Green - Blue (Violates rule 4 for Commies and American Indians) Gotham City: Robin - BatMan - Luthor (Violates rules 3 & 7) Sears Roebuck: Good - Better - Best (Violates rule 7) Cub Scouts: Wolf - Bear - Lion (Violates Rule 7) Tribal: Scout - Brave - Chief (Violates rule 4) Detroit: Ford - Merc - Lincon (Violates rule 7) Jonathan Livingston Seagull: Wings - Soar - Mentor (Violates rule 6) Fund Raiser: Friend - Patron - Benefactor (Violates rule 2)
participants (1)
Art Goddard