Ladies and gents: Below is a copy of a posting to vhf@w6yx.stanford.edu, a popular vhf reflector. The posting makes very clear what could be an unintended consequence of removing contest line scores from QST. If, in removing those scores, we lose the support of overseas non-member hams, then we may be damaging the contests themselves. 73. Jim, W6CF I have my PC out of order so I have been out of the reflector for some time and today when I checked my emails I read dozens of posts about the "contest scores". As you know english is not my mother language so I'm also afraid that because of that reason, I'didn't understand correctly...... Does it means that "non members" (like me) or hams with no internet connection (like many others) will not be able to see their scores for ARRL contests published any time-any place? Please, don't missunderstand me... It's not a complaint. Those are not my contests and I'm sure that the owners may have a good reason for doing what they do. I just want to understand exactly what I was reading about. Me and many others hams that participate in the ARRL HF and VHF contests will always like to know if our callsigns are among the final scores. Today, we may find about that when we receive the QST at our Radio Club.... BTW, 6m have been very slow here for the last monts... so hope to CU on the bands soon, 73, Oscar, co2oj
participants (1)