[arrl-odv:12781] Re: FCC Releases Restructuring NPRM - Not Good Newser.

Mike I'm using my laptop (desktop mother board was fried.a new Dell is on its way). Also I'm using a new email program. I was merely observing that many out here seem to want regulation. Personally I'm in favor of dropping most of our regulations. CW sub bands to protect CW were ill conceived as an example. Phone is what if anything, ought to be protected. I can always hear CW through a phone QSO. CW can readily screw up a phone QSO however. I'm for the European way.except for one small modification.East coast guys can only use wires, no beams. You guys already have too much advantage with geography. 73/Greg W7OZ _____ From: Mike Raisbeck [mailto:k1twf@arrl.net] Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 5:09 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:12780] Re: FCC Releases Restructuring NPRM - Not Good News Hi Greg, Of course some (perhaps many??) of your members want the FCC to babysit them. It's the same in New England. The issue is bigger than that. Were we elected: A. to vote the way our members want? OR B. to spend the time and energy that individual members cannot, in order to steer a clear and well considered course into the future? This is a fundamental problem in representative democracy. It isn't easy to resolve, and it calls for compromise. The best practical course probably lies somewhere in between. Personally, I lean toward "B". I'm honored to be on the board, even as a lowly vice director, but I firmly believe that if I worry too much about being reelected, I'm actually short changing my constituents. My life would not end if I were voted off, though I would be saddened. What is your feeling on this? Is there a majority of your constituents that feel they want a babysitter, or is it just a vocal minority? 73, Mike K1TWF ----------------------------------- Law Office of Michael N. Raisbeck Phone: (978) 250-1236 Fax: (978) 250-0432 Web: www.mraisbeck.com Email: k1twf@arrl.net CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email may contain privileged and confidential information intended only for the above-named recipient. If you have received this in error, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, or copying is strictly prohibited. In such case, please notify us by reply email and delete this message _____ From: Greg Milnes [mailto:w7oz@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 4:18 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:12777] Re: FCC Releases Restructuring NPRM - Not Good News OK with me to deregulate but Many of my members want to FCC babysit them. 73/Greg W7OZ _____ From: Mike Raisbeck [mailto:k1twf@arrl.net] Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 4:26 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:12765] Re: FCC Releases Restructuring NPRM - Not Good News Hi Joel, No, I'm not totally asleep :-) . . . .
participants (1)
Greg Milnes