[arrl-odv:17595] Low-Voltage Permits & Inspections

20 FEB 2009 - 1541 CST I don't think we need another layer of permits and inspections for the construction, maintenance, and improvement of amateur radio stations. While the imposition of low-voltage wiring permits and inspections is not a big issue now, I agree with my constituent that it could be an issue in the future. We need to keep tabs on this. - Dick Isely, W9GIG ===================================================================== Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 09:36:41 -0600 Message-ID: <da79e3350902190736p49632ba5ld9335714cd365d8c@mail.gmail.com> Subject: IBEW proposal From: James Wades <jameswades@gmail.com> To: w9gig@arrl.org Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Dick: A business associate of mine in Michigan sent me the following links to articles in the Toledo Blade Newspaper. I am forwarding them to you as ARRL Central Division Director because they may have some impact on ham radio operators in other areas. Essentially, the IBEW Union has been pushing to require electrical permits and subsequent inspections for low-voltage residential wiring. I suspect the goal of the union is to force small operators and do-it- yourself out of the home automation and home theatre business. However, such a law, if it were to succeed, may prove too broad if crafted improperly, thereby requiring radio amateurs to obtain an electrical permit and a follow-up inspection for a ham radio installation. The proposed law did not succeed in Toledo. However, I have heard that they are pushing for this law in other areas. It seems unpopular, so perhaps it will die a quick death in the crib. Nonetheless, it might be advisable for the League to keep it's eyes open for such activities at the local/State level and insure that a local Amateur Radio Club or SGL express objections when such laws are proposed. http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090218/NEWS16/902189... http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090219/NEWS16/902199... Best Regards, James Wades, WB8SIW PO Box 1063 Marion, IL. 62959 618-751-3951 269-650-0215

Dick, I routinely monitor these for the Society of Broadcast Engineers. These proposals (and there are numerous LV wiring?ordinances)?as you can easily imagine have a profound effect on the operation of broadcast stations, because every time any LV wiring is done at a broadcast studio, a licensed electrician has to be brought in instead of having the broadcast engineer do it. I have a list of some?of these, but as far as I know, no one has attempted to enforce them in a residential context, though I agree that it is entirely possible to do so in some cases. A county in?southern?Maryland has attempted to enforce?such an ordinance, as has one in Missouri, as recent examples.? 73, Chris W3KD? Christopher D. Imlay BOOTH, FRERET, IMLAY & TEPPER, P.C. 14356 Cape May Road Silver Spring, Maryland 20904-6011 (301) 384-5525 telephone (301) 384-6384 facsimile W3KD@ARRL.ORG -----Original Message----- From: dick@pobox.com To: arrl-odv@arrl.org; w3kd@aol.com Cc: dhenderson@arrl.org Sent: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 4:41 pm Subject: Low-Voltage Permits & Inspections 20 FEB 2009 - 1541 CST? ? I don't think we need another layer of permits and inspections for the construction, maintenance, and improvement of amateur radio stations.? ? While the imposition of low-voltage wiring permits and inspections is not? a big issue now, I agree with my constituent that it could be an issue in? the future. We need to keep tabs on this.? ? - Dick Isely, W9GIG? ? =====================================================================? Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 09:36:41 -0600? Message-ID: <da79e3350902190736p49632ba5ld9335714cd365d8c@mail.gmail.com>? Subject: IBEW proposal? From: James Wades <jameswades@gmail.com>? To: w9gig@arrl.org? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1? Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit? ? Hi Dick:? ? A business associate of mine in Michigan sent me the following links to articles in the Toledo Blade Newspaper. I am forwarding them to you as? ARRL Central Division Director because they may have some impact on ham? radio operators in other areas.? ? Essentially, the IBEW Union has been pushing to require electrical permits? and subsequent inspections for low-voltage residential wiring.? ? I suspect the goal of the union is to force small operators and do-it-? yourself out of the home automation and home theatre business. However,? such a law, if it were to succeed, may prove too broad if crafted? improperly, thereby requiring radio amateurs to obtain an electrical? permit and a follow-up inspection for a ham radio installation.? ? The proposed law did not succeed in Toledo. However, I have heard that? they are pushing for this law in other areas. It seems unpopular, so? perhaps it will die a quick death in the crib. Nonetheless, it might be advisable for the League to keep it's eyes open for such activities at? the local/State level and insure that a local Amateur Radio Club or SGL express objections when such laws are proposed.? ? http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090218/NEWS16/902189... ? http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090219/NEWS16/902199... ? Best Regards,? ? James Wades, WB8SIW? PO Box 1063? Marion, IL. 62959? 618-751-3951? 269-650-0215? ?
participants (2)