[arrl-odv:12811] Re: NWS - Senate Bill 786

In a message dated 7/25/2005 8:14:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, frenaye@pcnet.com writes:
I guess the bottom line was that we (John, Chris, etc) didn't think there was a real chance if it becoming law, so we didn't take any action.
I'm second-guessing that now after reading an article about it in Information World: http://www.informationweek.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=165702845
I also believe we have a lot of members who find our association with the NWS to be very positive (and vice versa). I think it'd be a good move for us to publicly state that we do not support S.786.
I should note that though John Chwat thought that this bill created difficulties for his efforts and left a rather negative impression about Amateur Radio with those on the Hill that were aware of it, the Executive Committee reviewed the matter during The Big Snow meeting in Denver this "Spring" and decided to simply abstain. Not wanting to speak for John Chwat who perhaps should be asked directly, I do feel that he would think Tom's suggestion a good one. It really doesn't have much support, but that is not really the issue; the issue is what the effect is of this Bill on our legislative effort. 73, Chris W3KD
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