[arrl-odv:25732] Report to the Board Concerning Doug Rehman’s Ethics Complaint #1 Against Greg Sarratt, W4OZK Election Qualification

Gentlemen: The Ethics & Election Committee has asked that this report be distributed to the ARRL Board of Directors and Vice Directors forthwith. Respectfully, Thomas J. Gallagher Secretary Tom Gallagher – NY2RF Chief Executive Officer ARRL Headquarters ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™ 860 594 0404 cell 704 907 7158 tgallagher@arrl.org<mailto:tgallagher@arrl.org>

I am preparing a response to this report as well as the other. In the meantime, a few observations on a quick read of this report: While Gigaparts is not a current ARRL advertiser, they are a significant player in the very small amateur radio retail marketspace. According to Dennis at Yaesu, they are the #2 retailer of Yaesu radios in the US. It is disingenuous to suggest that because "Gigaparts is not now an ARRL advertiser", relationships between Sarratt and Gigaparts are immaterial. I'm quite certain that Gigaparts competitors that ARE ARRL advertisers would not be amused by this sentiment. While Gigaparts is not a current ARRL advertiser, Gigaparts IS an ARRL reseller: <http://www.gigaparts.com/Product-Lines/Books-Videos-and-Maps/#?Category1=Ra dios <http://www.gigaparts.com/Product-Lines/Books-Videos-and-Maps/#?Category1=Ra dios&Category2=Books%2C+Videos+and+Maps&search_return=all&res_per_page=36> &Category2=Books%2C+Videos+and+Maps&search_return=all&res_per_page=36> I fiind the disparity in the handling of my complaints versus the complaints against me to be profound. Sarratt was contacted to inquire about the complaint against him. In stark contrast, the very first knowledge I had of the ethics complaints against me were when I received the notice of disqualification from E&E. I was never asked about any communications with Gigaparts, instead Sarratt's allegations were taken as factual. In my complete response being worked on, I will provide the communications that would have been provided to E&E if they would have merely asked. The mention of Sarratt's web hosting in those communications was a side issue; the emails were a continuation of a discussion that Robby and I had over dinner a week or so prior. Robby Sperr from Gigaparts stated, "I think Doug honestly wants to do the right thing and, at best, is operating under a misconception, and at worst making the most of an issue to improve his chances of winning." (Exhibits A-D.PDF, page 15, paragraph 3) Compare and contrast that to E&E's statements in their report against me: "Election Candidate Sarratt's complaint against Mr. Rehman deals with intimidating conduct of Rehman relative to Gigaparts and the threats that Rehman made to Gigaparts to make an issue out of Gigaparts' hosting of a web site for Sarratt. This is viewed by the Committee as an unfair election tactic. While Gigaparts is not an ARRL advertiser at present, Mr. Rehman's attempted intimidation of Gigaparts to cease any web hosting or other support for Mr. Sarratt's candidacy for ARRL Director stands to create an antagonistic attitude between ARRL and Gigaparts that is damaging to ARRL's industry relations." (Report to the Board Concerning Doug Rehman K4AC FINAL.PDF, page 8, first paragraph)
From his very own statements, it does not in any way appear that Robby felt intimidated. In fact, after reading all of Robby's comments in the Exhibits, I am most impressed with Robby's sense of honor and ethics.
Speaking of the contact between E&E and Sarratt, the specifics of those communications must be released to the full Board, not just a broad generalization that "no useful information was obtained.". If E&E contacted Robby Sperr from Gigaparts, the contents of those communications must be released as well. Doug K4AC From: arrl-odv [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 9:02 AM To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@arrl.org> Subject: [arrl-odv:25732] Report to the Board Concerning Doug Rehman's Ethics Complaint #1 Against Greg Sarratt, W4OZK Election Qualification Gentlemen: The Ethics & Election Committee has asked that this report be distributed to the ARRL Board of Directors and Vice Directors forthwith. Respectfully, Thomas J. Gallagher Secretary Tom Gallagher - NY2RF Chief Executive Officer ARRL Headquarters ARRL - The national association for Amateur RadioT 860 594 0404 cell 704 907 7158 tgallagher@arrl.org <mailto:tgallagher@arrl.org>
participants (2)
Doug Rehman
Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF