Here is the more detailed EC agenda promised earlier. Dave K1ZZ AGENDA (Rev. 1) ARRL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Crystal City Marriott, Arlington, Virginia Saturday, March 2, 2002 - 8:30 AM 1. Approval of minutes of October 13, 2001 Executive Committee meeting 2. FCC matters 2.1. Ultra Wideband Transmission Systems, ET Docket No. 98-153 (consideration of Report and Order and any further action necessary) 2.2. RM-10165, Amateur Primary Allocation at 2300-2305 MHz (status of petition and competing petition, RM-10166, Aeroastro) 2.3. RM-9949, Amateur Primary Allocation, 2400-2402 MHz (status of petition) 2.4. RM-9404, LF Allocation at 135.7-137.8 kHz and 160-190 kHz (status of petition) 2.5. RM-10209, Amateur 5 MHz Petition (status of petition) 2.6. ET Docket No. 00-258, 2390-2400 MHz allocation (status of rulemaking proceeding for 3G allocations) 2.7. ET Docket No. 01-278, Review of Part 15 (including SAVI Technology, Inc. Petition for 425-435 MHz RFID tags; status of proceeding, ex parte presentations, reply comments and consideration of further strategies), Reply comments due March 12, 2002. 2.8. ET Docket No. 98-156, 24.05-24.25 GHz Part 15 Operation at field strengths up to 2500 mV/m; Petition for Reconsideration filed February 13, 2002. 2.9. Omnibus Part 97 rulemaking, including ARRL Novice Refarming petition, SS at 222-225 MHz, Expansion of Special Event Call Sign pool, and clarification of emission designators (review of draft petition and appendix). 2.10. Consideration of ARRL position on pending Part 97 rulemaking petitions, including Kenwood Auxiliary Operation (Sky Command) Petition, RM-10313; Jeff Briggs et al. 160-meter subband petition, RM-10352; QCWA Petition on Legacy Assignment of Vanity Call Signs, RM-10353; John S. Rippey Petition seeking increased privileges for entry-level licensees with code credit, RM-10354; and NASA Glenn Research Center ARC, to permit retransmission of manned spacecraft communications from the ISS, RM-10355. 2.11. Paul Toth, NA4AR, proposal for revision of 97.119 station ID rules to accommodate TCP/IP addresses tied to amateur callsigns. 2.12. Walt Stinson proposal for deleting 902-928 MHz operating restrictions in certain quiet zones, and pending rulemaking proceeding, WT-01-319 to streamline Quiet Zone application procedures (comment dates closed). 2.13. Other FCC Matters 3. Antenna and RFI cases and local regulatory matters 4. Other legal matters 5. Legislative matters 5.1. Legislative strategy re: CC&Rs 5.2. Other legislative matters 6. International matters 6.1. ARRL support of the IARU Region 2 Secretariat (Mr. Stafford) 6.2. Other international matters 7. Organizational matters 8. Recognition of new Life Members 9. Affiliation of clubs 10. Approval of conventions 11. Date and place of next EC meeting 12. Other business
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ