[arrl-odv:18795] Re: FW: Site Login Test Correction

Hi Harold, The ODV area is incomplete; sections are incorrectly named; it is impossible to simply return to the ODV screen to start over; the staff list has been renamed key staff list, and the key personnel list is nowhere to be found. Switching between the ODV area of the old system, and the sort-of ODV area of the new system, gives one a graphic presentation of the problem. May I recommend that one of you, using two PCs, place the screens side by side, and go through the marked differences to catalog them for repair. I'm afraid that I do not have the time, or the resources to do so, and have to get back to catching up on reading Division mail, etc. Thanks, Bob Vallio, W6tRGG On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 9:24 AM, Kramer, Harold, WJ1B <wj1b@arrl.org> wrote:
The password should be hiram225
My poor typing!
Use the itdevel.arrl.org link and username [beta] and password [hirarm225] that you already have to enter the test site.
You will then be on the new Web Site:
Login (top of the page) using your current ARRL Username and Password
Make sure that the sites acknowledges your Login. It will say “Hello [Your username]
Please also check that you have access to ODV Material:
1. Click “About ARRL” on the top menu
2. Click “Organization Structure” on the left (under “About ARRL”)
3. Then click the “ODV” Link also on the left
You should see the ODV information
If you cannot login or if you do not see the ODV information, please contact Katie Glass KGlass@arrl.org and cc me.
Thanks for your help/73,
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio*™*
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
Telephone: 860 594 0220
email: hkramer@arrl.org
web: www.arrl.org/
participants (1)
Bob Vallio