[arrl-odv:24636] More letters

According to Dan Henderson, about 800 letters were generated at the New England Division convention this past weekend in a cooperative effort by New England and Hudson Division officials and HQ Staff. They are part of the 1031 letters shipped to TKG today - going to 77 House and 61 Senate offices. He adds that by his count we have done almost 8300 letters total with about 4600 to the House and 3700 to the Senate. We have sent letters for 411 House districts, including non-voting delegates, and all 100 Senate offices. Of course that's in addition to an unknown number of phone calls and e-mails done individually by members. That's good but not enough. Here's a thought you may want to work into your member communications. We know that our bills' opponents are sending false statements to Capitol Hill. Who do members want our Senators and Congressmen to listen to? Us hams, or people who are not telling the truth about what the bills say and what the bills mean? There will be a story urging members to advocate now appearing in the next edition of the ARRL Letter. Perhaps you could reinforce that message with a bulletin to your Division's members. 73, Kay N3KN
participants (1)
Kay Craigie