[arrl-odv:12726] Re: Delivery Status Notification (Delay)

Tnx, Bob. I appreciate the comment about Dick. He is a very good and capable fellow. GL in the coming battles. 73 Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL; http://www.arrl.org/ 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040 Tel.: 513-459-0142; E-mail: k8je@arrl.org ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio Is! MEMBERS: The reason ARRL Is! -----Original Message----- From: Bob Vallio [mailto:rbvallio@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 5:18 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Delay) Hi Jim, If I knew how to make it work for me, I'd be glad to share the info with you! :-) Sorry you can't be with us this month, but I'm looking forward to seeing you in January. We haven't even got started with the Board meeting, but I can see that this is going to be a very interesting weekend. Dick did a yeoman job, sitting in for you at the P&SC meeting. Take care. 73, Bob -- Bob Vallio -- W6RGG Pacific Division Director, ARRL The national association for AMATEUR RADIO On 7/11/05, Jim K8JE <K8JE@arrl.org> wrote:
When you learn what was done and where it was done, please tell me how I can have the same thing done to my body -- i.e. " ----- Message body suppressed ----- " I've been trying to accomplish this for years.
Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL; http://www.arrl.org/ 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040 Tel.: 513-459-0142; E-mail: k8je@arrl.org ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio Is! MEMBERS: The reason ARRL Is!
-----Original Message----- From: Bob Vallio [mailto:rbvallio@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 2:08 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Delay)
For those of you who have hoped to see the DXAC Report posted by me, here is what I received when I did, indeed, post it. This will probably not be delivered, either, but I feel better having sent it to our new, improved, mail server.
-- Bob Vallio -- W6RGG Pacific Division Director, ARRL The national association for AMATEUR RADIO
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@gmail.com> Date: Jul 10, 2005 2:20 AM Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Delay) To: rbvallio@gmail.com
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification
Delivery to the following recipient has been delayed:
Message will be retried for 2 more day(s)
Technical details of temporary failure: TEMP_FAILURE: Could not initiate SMTP conversation with any hosts: [reflector.arrl.org (1): Connection timed out]
----- Message header follows -----
Received: by with SMTP id 33mr2263844wry; Fri, 08 Jul 2005 23:50:55 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 8 Jul 2005 23:50:55 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <c87206b205070823501779e9cb@mail.gmail.com> Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2005 23:50:55 -0700 From: Bob Vallio <rbvallio@gmail.com> Reply-To: Bob Vallio <rbvallio@gmail.com> To: arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org Subject: Fwd: DXAC June 2005 Report In-Reply-To: <42CEE330.7010101@arrl.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_Part_3966_3041787.1120891855305" References: <42CEE330.7010101@arrl.net>
------=_Part_3966_3041787.1120891855305 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline
The June, 2005 DXAC semi-annual report is attached.
73, Bob
--=20 Bob Vallio -- W6RGG Pacific Division Director, ARRL The national association for AMATEUR RADIO
------=_Part_3966_3041787.1120891855305 Content-Type: application/msword; name=DXAC05Junebod.doc Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="DXAC05Junebod.doc"
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participants (1)
Jim K8JE