[arrl-odv:16598] Back in the Office

I am back in the office this week for the first time in several weeks. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your calls, cards, prayers and thoughts during this time. During this time I have tried to keep up with the flood of daily email but it just wasn't possible. I have email in my inbox that dates back to February 27, so if you have not received a reply yet and are expecting one I will get to it as soon as I can work them down. My work email inbox is just as bad so I have a number of issues there that require immediate attention. Please be patient while I catch up in the coming days. I want to especially thank First Vice President Craigie and the Vice President's, especially Executive Vice President Sumner and staff for taking care of items that would normally require my input or as a minimum my awareness over the past few weeks. I will not be attending any public events until April 25-27 when I attend the Southeast VHF Society Conference in Orlando, Florida where I will be the banquet speaker, followed by the Dayton Hamvention in May. Frankly, I'm looking forward to a nice ham radio convention! 73 Joel W5ZN
participants (1)
Joel Harrison