[Fwd: [Fwd: [SECARRL] Re: Positive ID for Amateur Radio Emergency Communicators]]

The following was forwarded to me by an SEC, who picked this discussion up off the SEC reflector. I suggest you all check the URL provided. I have to admit that this kind of product bothers me. I don't like the image it may project for hams. 73. Jim, W6CF Hello to All, RE: "West Electronics presents Ham Radio Operators ID Badge" http://www.arrl.org/adredir.php3?id=98 The ARRL allowing advertising of this "Amateur Radio" ""badge"" is in my opinion, a really bad idea that can only contribute to a negative image of Ham Radio Operators. Who all wants that to happen? Why would the organization that we all spend many hours a month supporting and one that spends many dollars on public relations and lobbying efforts want to detract from our image by permitting such advertising? I encourage you to email your Division Director and ask them to bring this up at the June Board meeting that is coming right up. They are the ones that have the real power at ARRL. You can find their email address near the top of this page: http://www.arrl.org/email.html. If you wish to copy ARRL Advertising, the address is Debra Jahnke, djahnke@arrl.org. If we do nothing, that shiny badge will likely continue to tarnish our image on the pages of ARRLWeb.

I have heard a number of complaints about this product over the years, and in my opinion the item appeals to a particular mentality ... I am trying to think of a term for it that isn't way too coarse for this reflector. No success! Anyhow, it isn't a mentality we want to encourage or endorse. True, nobody has to buy this product who disapproves of it, yet I wish there were a way we could drop the advertising for this phony piece of junk. 73 - Kay WT3P --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.368 / Virus Database: 204 - Release Date: 5/29/2002

Congressman Israel may not have a hat but he sure has the cattle. (Get W5JBP to explain that one.) It was my pleasure to introduce Congressman Steve Israel to a special meeting of the Great South Bay ARC last night. There were about 50 people in a small room and there were a lot of pictures taken. K2DO will write an article and get the pictures up to Rick Linquist so you will shortly be able to read about it on the web site. Just let me say that I am more impressed with Congressman Israel every time I see him. While he may not have a great deal of seniority and he may not be on the Commerce Committee he has the enthusiasm and the intelligence to lead the charge on our CC&R bill. He is a very articulate spokesman on this issue. His arguments and reasons to support the bill are very convincing, I feel, for the non ham. I think we are going to get a lot of mileage here. Right from the start in his Washington office in February he had the idea of "consistency" which is going to make it easier to sell this bill. We have the right guy for the job. Now if we could get him to get a ham license his father would really be happy! He reported that his staff is already getting a lot of calls from people on the Commerce Committee which he feels is an indication that hams across the country are starting to call their representatives. He said that has never seen such interest on any bill he has previously sponsored. I think we have been very fortunate to get him to sponsor the bill. Frank...N2FF......

The term I think of right off the bat, is "wanna be cops". Folks might feel they have "authority" while wearing this thing, and try to push the limit. 73, Tuck NZ6T Kay Craigie wrote:
I have heard a number of complaints about this product over the years, and in my opinion the item appeals to a particular mentality ... I am trying to think of a term for it that isn't way too coarse for this reflector. No success! Anyhow, it isn't a mentality we want to encourage or endorse.
True, nobody has to buy this product who disapproves of it, yet I wish there were a way we could drop the advertising for this phony piece of junk. 73 - Kay WT3P
--- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.368 / Virus Database: 204 - Release Date: 5/29/2002
-- ************************************************ Remember, Helping Others....Always Worthwhile!! Southwestern Division Vice Director American Radio Relay League (ARRL) The national association for AMATEUR RADIO Are you a member yet? If not, visit http://www.arrl.org/join.html 2002 SWD Convention, Aug 16-18 For Registration forms, click on http://sd2002.hamcon.net/mainpage.html?registration.html Tuck's Personal Web Page: http://www.qsl.net/nz6t Follow Tuck around the Division via APRS: http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?NZ6T-9

I guess I'm not concerned about people spending money on junk so much as I'm worried about the stray ham flipping open his police-style wallet in order to crash a barricade or impress his girl. This is an image problem. How long have these items been offered for sale? 73. Jim, W6CF Kay Craigie wrote:
I have heard a number of complaints about this product over the years, and in my opinion the item appeals to a particular mentality ... I am trying to think of a term for it that isn't way too coarse for this reflector. No success! Anyhow, it isn't a mentality we want to encourage or endorse.
True, nobody has to buy this product who disapproves of it, yet I wish there were a way we could drop the advertising for this phony piece of junk. 73 - Kay WT3P
--- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.368 / Virus Database: 204 - Release Date: 5/29/2002

The pile up police have been wearing these things for years on their rear ends! Frank...N2FF....
RE: "West Electronics presents Ham Radio Operators ID Badge" http://www.arrl.org/adredir.php3?id=98

This badge thing is a BAD idea. It was brought up several years ago and died. The same should happen again now. 73/Greg W7OZ ----- Original Message ----- From: <jmax@attglobal.net> To: <arrl-odv@arrl.org>; <"Communicators]]"@p1k.arrl.org> Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 10:55 PM Subject: [ARRL-ODV:7258] Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: [SECARRL] Positive ID for Amateur Radio Emergency
The following was forwarded to me by an SEC, who picked this discussion up off the SEC reflector.
I suggest you all check the URL provided. I have to admit that this kind of product bothers me. I don't like the image it may project for hams.
73. Jim, W6CF
Hello to All,
RE: "West Electronics presents Ham Radio Operators ID Badge" http://www.arrl.org/adredir.php3?id=98
The ARRL allowing advertising of this "Amateur Radio" ""badge"" is in my opinion, a really bad idea that can only contribute to a negative image of Ham Radio Operators. Who all wants that to happen?
Why would the organization that we all spend many hours a month supporting and one that spends many dollars on public relations and lobbying efforts want to detract from our image by permitting such advertising?
I encourage you to email your Division Director and ask them to bring this up at the June Board meeting that is coming right up. They are the ones that have the real power at ARRL. You can find their email address near the top of this page: http://www.arrl.org/email.html. If you wish to copy ARRL Advertising, the address is Debra Jahnke, djahnke@arrl.org.
If we do nothing, that shiny badge will likely continue to tarnish our image on the pages of ARRLWeb.
participants (5)
Frank Fallon
Greg Milnes
Kay Craigie
Tuck Miller NZ6T ARRL SWD Vice Director