[arrl-odv:34949] FW: ARDF Committee Report for July 2023 Board Meeting

FYI From: Charles Scharlau <charles.scharlau@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, July 8, 2023 7:59 AM To: ExecAdmin <ExecAdmin@arrl.org> Cc: ARDF Committee <ardf@arrl.org>; Temples, Phil K9HI (VD,NE) <k9hi@arrl.org> Subject: ARDF Committee Report for July 2023 Board Meeting Dear ARRL, Attached, please find our Radio Orienteering (aka, ARDF) Committee report for July 2023, which I am submitting in support of the ARRL Board of Directors meeting scheduled for July 21-11. This report is labeled as Document 21. In addition, please find Attachment #1, which describes the results of the 22nd USA Radio Orienteering Championships. Please let me know if you received this email and its attachments, and please let me know if there is anything else I can provide. Thank you & 73, Charles E. Scharlau NZØI ARRL ARDF Committee Co-coordinator Gerald Boyd WB8WFK ARRL ARDF Committee Co-coordinator
participants (1)
Middleton, Diane, W2DLM (CFO)