[arrl-odv:15894] Election rules revisions

The following memo is being sent today to everyone who has requested a nominating packet for this fall's division elections. Dave July 27, 2007 To: Potential Candidates in the Fall 2007 ARRL Division Elections RE: Revised Rules and Regulations At its meeting on July 20-21 the ARRL Board of Directors adopted revised rules concerning ARRL elections. The revisions are shown on the attached sheet. The previous rules were written before the Internet and the Web became important communications channels. The revisions are intended to clarify that channels furnished at League expense may not be used to distribute campaign material. The rules are not intended to prevent ARRL officials from performing their regular duties during campaign periods. It is important to note that the rules apply not only to incumbents, but also to other League officials who may be supporting or opposing candidates for office or who may be seeking another office themselves. The use of <callsign>@arrl.net email addresses in campaign material is permitted, since this facility is available equally to all ARRL members. It is the view of the Ethics and Elections Committee that the use of "arrl.org" email addresses in campaign material is not appropriate. Questions concerning the application of the rules will be referred to the Ethics and Elections Committee. 73, David Sumner, K1ZZ Secretary, ARRL
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ