[ARRL-ODV:9490] Re: FCC's Commissioner Abernathy Praises BPL

I agree with Greg, the concept of using electric lines to make the Internet more available in particular to folks in rural areas (i.e., without having to pay LD charges to interface) is a great one. Unfortunately, there are many "great" concepts that are simply not practical. Medicine, for example, is filled with them. Many potential drugs do exactly what is needed by curing or mitigating disease. Great concepts. Unfortunately, impractical side issues often get in the way -- e.g., patient death or excessive injury, inability to deliver an effective dose in less than multiple gallon quantities are just two issues that have and will arise. BPL at this time simply is among these concepts in my opinion. Are we against BPL? Or, are we against the interference it brings with it? Would we fight BPL if it did not cause interference on our frequencies or potential frequencies? I doubt it. Jim W. AMATEUR RADIO: The only fail-safe communications system in the world. ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio is! Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division 5065 Bethany Rd. Mason, OH 45040-9660 Tel. 513-459-0142 E-mail k8je@arrl.org -----Original Message----- From: Greg Milnes [mailto:w7oz@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 2:10 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:9484] Re: FCC's Commissioner Abernathy Praises BPL Dick I beg to differ. The Commissioner's comments sounded good to me. I agree with most all she said. The only problem is a technical one. IF we could get BPL WITHOUT INTERFERENCE, I think it would be great. This all doesn't mean we can win on technical grounds only BUT we should recognize that it is a good concept. I hope someone can come up with a way to move the signals away from us or filter us out. 73/Greg W7OZ
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