[arrl-odv:26832] Volunteers on Puerto Rico Recovery Mission

At Tom Frenaye's request I am sharing the names and call signs of the Amateur Radio volunteers who traveled to Puerto Rico in support of Red Cross's recovery efforts last fall. In addition, I have also appended the names of the staff here at HQ who are not associated with field services yet pitched in throughout the two days and nights assembling the equipment that shipped with the volunteers. Division Puerto Rico Volunteers Great Lakes Robb Landon, KE8AMC (OH) Jeff Sumner, KC4FOX (OH) Midwest Jeremy Dougherty, NS0S (KS) New England Matthew Hackman, KB1FUP (RI) Mike Miciukiewicz, K1MJM (CT) Northwest Jim Hughes, KI7CTF (WWA) Pacific Joe Pistritto, N3CKF (EB) Craig McVeay, N0CSM (NV) Bill Kollenbaum, K4XS (HI) West Gulf Michael Smith, N5TGL (STX) Dakota Guillermo Narvaez, N0GUI (MN) Central Andy Anderson, KE0AYJ (IN) Valerie Hotzfeld, NV9L (IL) Tim Moloney, N9RRM (IL) Atlantic Bobby Price, KB4ROR (SNJ) Southeast Joe Bassett, W1WCN (NFL) Gene Roll, KM4FUD (GA) Wey Walker, K8EAB (GA) Matt Gonter, AC4MG (GA) Delta Rafael Ortiz, W4RAO (TN) Roanoke Ryan Barenklau, W5RKB (VA) Gary Sessums, KC5QCN (VA) HQ Staff from outside Field Services that assisted Michelle Patnode Jodie Morin, KA1JPA Gary McManus, NQ1G Greg Kwasowski, W1GJK Lori Kosior, N1SMK Ed Hare, W1RFI Amanda Grimaldi, N1NHL Jon Faasen, KC1ECT Eric Casey Joe Carcia, NJ1Q Tom Gallagher - NY2RF Chief Executive Officer ARRL Headquarters ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio(tm) 860 594 0404 cell 704 907 7158 tgallagher@arrl.org<mailto:tgallagher@arrl.org>
participants (1)
Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF (CEO)