[arrl-odv:21613] Beta Testing for new version of tQSL

Dave Bernstein, AA6YQ, on the behalf of TrustedQSL Developers Group, has announced that the next version of the Logbook client software (tQSL/tQSLCert) is ready to enter the test phase. If you would like to try the new version of the Trusted QSL software, TQSL Version 1.14, Release Candidate 1 is available for Windows, OSX, and Linux via the following URLs: * Windows (Microsoft Installer) - <http://sourceforge.net/projects/trustedqsl/files/TrustedQSL/v1.14.RC1/t qsl-114.msi/download> * OS X (Universal Binary) - <http://sourceforge.net/projects/trustedqsl/files/TrustedQSL/v1.14.RC1/t qsl-114.dmg/download> * Linux (source tarball) - <http://sourceforge.net/projects/trustedqsl/files/TrustedQSL/v1.14.RC1/t qsl-114.tar.gz/download> This version of tQSL includes the following improvements over its predecessor: Submission to LotW via the Internet * new version available" notification * Station Location consistency checking * Local duplicate prevention * Windows installation via a Microsoft Windows Installer package * Improved error reporting * Defect corrections * Improved documentation Mike Keane, K1MK will acting as HQ liaison with the developers during testing. Send your questions, comments, suggestions, and critiques to k1mk@arrl.org. In addition, a mailing list has been established at SourceForge.net (<http://sourceforge.net/p/trustedqsl/mailman> <http://sourceforge.net/p/trustedqsl/mailman> ) to support testing. Please feel free to join this list if you desire. Please DO NOT share the above URLs with others, the initial round of testing has been limited to a small group until there is confidence in TQSL 1.14's fitness for use and freedom from major defects. Once this has been established, testing will proceed onto a larger scale. 73, Barry J. Shelley, N1VXY Chief Financial Officer ARRL, Inc. The National Association for Amateur Radio (860) 594-0212 www.arrl.org
participants (1)
Shelley, Barry, N1VXY