Frank, Ive not seen other responses to your message regarding future national conventions, but Barry Shelley confirmed to me that my ISP, Earthlink, experienced a few problems a couple of days ago. The result is that an unknown number of messages were returned to their senders and didnt reach me. To your question: I would have no problem in holding the next ARRL National Convention at a place other than Dayton. Dayton has its strengths, but it also has its weaknesses. My recollection is that we discussed using Dayton as the home location for most Nationals, but that we reached no decision concerning this or for a firm timing (2 years, 3 years, etc.) between Nationals. Existing SOs are not definitive on this latter point and do not address the former one. Beyond this, I would want to have a reasonably-good estimate of the degree of credible exposure the League would receive at a site other than Dayton as compared with the Hamvention®. Factors involved in the overall review might include the projected attendance and the quality of the location and convention site. Certainly, the cost of the space we would use, and the ease and expense of travel for outside Directors, staff and for shipping exhibits and materials should also need to be considered. Just a couple of thoughts. Ill be interested in learning what, if anything, you wish to discuss in July. 73, CUL, Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division Chairman, Legislative Action Committee 5065 Bethany Rd. Mason, OH 45040 K8JE@arrl.org; Tel., 513-459-0142; FAX, same ARRL, the Reason Amateur Radio is! Members, the Reason ARRL is! -----Original Message----- From: frank butler [mailto:fbutler@bsc.net] Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 12:59 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:14168] Future National Convention Before the upcoming Board Meeting, I would like your thoughts on holding a National Convention away from Dayton. The Hamfest Committee in Huntsville, AL has submittted an application to host such an event in the year 2007. This same committee has put on a successful event for many years, including a National in 1993. I think our policy on National Conventions is that we will only have one every three years, with the event alternating between Dayton and some other venue where large hamfests are held. This may not be a firm policy, and even if it was meant to be, I suppose a future Board meeting could change it. Would you favorably consider this application at the July meeting? Or maybe it should be delayed to 2008. Joel plans to attend this year's event, which is typically held in mid-August. This year it is August 19-20. You all are all invited, of course. Just to tempt you a little, there will be a new hotel opening later this year (after the 2006 hamfest), an Embassy Suites, as a part of the Convention site. It will be possible to walk from the hotel to the Convention Hall without getting wet (or hot). And should you get hungry, the hotel will include........Ruths Chris Steak House! 73, Frank, W4RH
participants (1)
Jim Weaver, K8JE