[arrl-odv:14181] In-News Letter June 21, 2006

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The revenue has topped $142,000 from more than 2800 donors. The follow up mailings for the Education & Technology campaign have been mailed to major donors and major prospects as well as segments of the active membership. A solicitation to lapsed Diamond Club members is being mailed this week. 2005 Annual Reports are being mailed to nearly 400 major donors and Legacy Circle donors. Information from the 2006 ARRL Foundation scholarship winners is being gathered for a photo spread in the September QST and on the web, along with their college contact information for fulfillment of their scholarship awards. Media & Public Relations: No Report Production/Editorial The August issue of QST, the annual antenna issue, has been released to the printer. Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol 25, No 24, distributed to 65,258 members on June 16. Rick prepared/edited stories on FCC letters instructing Manassas BPL system operators to resolve ham radio interference complaints; ham radio preparations for first named storm of 2006 hurricane season, NASA announces pass times for Field Day, KC4AAA on the air for FD, Take Your Handheld to Work Day, ARRL comments in 902 MHz proceeding and several news briefs and announcements. Rick also completed work on the Dayton Hamvention 2006 article and the "Happenings" column for August QST. Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for June 16. Khrystyne Keane prepared several feature articles for the ARRLWeb. Joel Hallas has prepared several technical articles for the September issue. Lab: No Report Sales and Marketing Membership renewals are trickling in now from the mailing to 100,000 lapsed members. In all categories of licensee, our goals were met or exceeded. The overall mailing budgeted for 2,150 renewals and as of Friday, we had 2,341 renewed members. The new Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination with the invitation to membership arrived from the printers. A special code was created for this form so we can track its effectiveness. Select volunteers from area clubs have been invited to participate in the headquarters Tour Facilitator program. The written program is undergoing edits and Katie is meeting with Diane and Sue regarding signage and development of a special certificate for the volunteers. Marketing collateral has been prepared for the introduction of ARRLs newest title, Getting Started in Ham Radio, authored by Steve Ford. A QST Readers Survey was prepared with Steve Ford, and distributed to 1,500 members. The survey was hosted by Zoomerang, an online survey utility. This is a cost-effective way of conducting periodic, small questionnaires that help identify trends and new ideas. 440 complete responses were received within 4 days of distributing the survey invitation. ARRLs summer publications catalog is being prepared for mailing to 25,000 leads. A recent review of our selection criteria found that the catalog elicits a very substantial return from among previous buyers and new Life Members. A Field Day-themed email solicitation yielded some last-minute orders for T-shirts and pins. The National Change of Address project to clean our address database is underway. John Proctor is compiling a list from the FCC database and our membership address database. The goal is to get corrected addresses back within three weeks and reduce loss. This process will sweep approximately 871,000 addresses and after this process we will plan to do this on an annual basis. The revised Level 3 Emergency Communications Course is now available on-line as a 12-week course. Now available for ordering via the e-store: Amateur Radio Astronomers Conference2006 #9701, a six-book set of 1940s publications reproduced by RSGB #9899, and IOTA (Islands on the Air) coffee mug #9883. Staff is in the process of finishing up collecting advertising materials for the August 2006 issue of QST, featuring the Antenna Time tear-out. Once the issue is completed, staff will shift focus and will be contacting all ARRL Publication Dealers to ensure that they are aware of all new titles and to procure orders from those Dealers who have not yet placed orders this month. Membership Services AWARDS Branch CategoryProcessedWAS Cards Checked50WAS Cards Checked (LoTW)22WAS Certificates (LoTW)13WAS Certificates (Manual)10WAS Endorsements15B WAS Certificate1A-1 Operator Nominations8A-1 Op Certificates Issued2WAC Cards Checked42 Awards Branch turnaround approximately 2 weeks. DXCC Branch For the Week of: June 18, 2006Beginning Credits41,459Credits Received7,253Credits Processed13,679Ending Credits35,033 Applications Pending406Processing time4.8 Weeks Year-to-date (2006) Credits Received /Applications240,696 / 2,114Credits Returned273,959 Due to a problem that occurred with the changeover to Office 2003 and a newer computer, the Access database generating the Credits Received report had a problem and the numbers generated were quite low. This is fixed and the Credits Received number above is accurate. DXCC is currently entering credits received on June 7, 2006. DXCC is currently mailing applications received on May 15, 2006. Contests The 2006 DX CW results were posted to the Web and will be open later this week. The 2006 DX CW results were finalized for QST as well. Questions regarding the recent 2006 June VHF contest have been answered. Also preparing for the upcoming 2006 Field Day by answering many emails and phone messages. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system102,819,743QSL records have resulted 5,860,301Logs Processed234,205Active Certificates19,427Users registered in the system12,825Hybrids Pending Mail89 QSL Branch There is a 1 day processing time delay. This week, 98 pounds of cards were received from members. 51,625 cards were mailed this past week. W1AW Joe and Greg spent most of the week outside, working in the stockade/generator area. They first removed the overgrowth that crops up each year (despite their best efforts to curtail the growth). They also up-righted a pine tree (one growing outside the stockade area). It had toppled over due in part to all the heavy rain/wind of late. They also partially disabled the generator and cleaned the radiator and surrounding areas. After which, they both wire-brushed the loose rust, and painted the generator housing and muffler. Next up will be changing the oil and checking the diesel fuel levels. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the latter part of the month of June. He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time slots. Field & Educational Services Field Organization/Public Service Team Amateur Radio operators were among those in Florida and along the southeast and mid Atlantic coast who braced for Storm Alberto as it made landfall and progressed northeasterly before heading out to sea. Steve Ewald was in touch with Section Leaders along the storms path in case ARES was called out for flooding or other related trouble. The Hurricane Watch Net activated early in the week. Chuck Skolaut also kept watchful eye on Alberto, and he received a phone call from one of the ARRLs main contact persons at the National American Red Cross during this time. That helped ensure our connections with Red Cross officials remain strong. Several sections have reported that their state Governors have signed proclamations to honor Amateur Radio Week surrounding Field Day. Section Managers have been promoting Field Day, Kids Day, and Take Your HT to Work Day through news and announcements. Steve also prepared and completed work on the August QST Public Service column. Chuck returned from a successful trip to the West Gulf Division Convention in Plano, TX, where 99 new or renewal League memberships were collected including two lifetime ones. Interference to a Maryland 2-meter repeater is being investigated as well as unlicensed use of 2 meters in California by hang gliders. Unlicensed fishermen, apparently, are using 40 meters off the coast of Peru, they are under the microscope. Two new Official Observers were added to the ranks this week. Questions involving operating in Afghanistan, Greece, China, and Mexico were answered. Leona continues to get ready for two Section Manager elections, and that includes the preparation of candidate statements and ballots. Ohio and Idaho ARRL members will be voting this summer. Leona also handled information packages for 17 new Field Appointees and updated the data base as requested by Section Leaders. ARISS PR: ARISS Team member Kenneth Ransom provided Rick Lindquist with ISS pass times for Field Day operations. A Progress rocket will have just docked with the ISS, and the crew has already been assigned extra duties having to do with the docking, and they may have very little time to operate. Kenneth scheduled the radios to be put into crossband repeater mode beginning June 19 so hams can get used to it before FD. ARISS Effect on Students: Every student from Saltbrook Elementary School (600 kids) was in the auditorium plus parents, visitors and VIPs while school ham club members, the Salt Brook Statics, interviewed astronaut Jeff Williams. Neighboring New Providence Middle School had 400 more kids listening to both sides of the QSO thanks to K2SSQ, a teacher there. The QSOs control op was 7th grader KC2ONP, of New Providence Amateur Radio Club (NPARC), the school ham club. NPARC has helped the Salt Brook Statics for 3 years while they waited for their ARISS QSO. The kids learned about geography, space science and electronic communication as part of their preparation for the international world of their future, reported Barry Cohen, K2JV. An ARRL member who volunteers at Salt Brook, Cohen said the QSO was the most exciting ham event for him since he made a ZS contact as a kid. Thanks goes to SM Bill Hudzik for representing ARRL and taking photos. For ARRL Members: Kenneth Ransom talked up Kids Day to Johnson Space Center astronauts, and at least one hopes to take part at W5RRR barring an unforeseen work schedule. Kenneth did a refresher with taxi astronaut Thomas Rieter to prepare him for using the various ARISS radios this Fall. ARISS News Update:On Wednesday, Rosalie took part via teleconference in an all-day meeting at NASA Hq. Reps from federal governmental offices and NASA facilities were discussing Congress thoughts on possibly making the ISS a national laboratory and educational options. International Aspects: Rosalie received the first-ever Chinese ARISS school application. She turned it over to the Japanese ARISS Team, which handles schools in IARU Region 3. Rosalie updated international school mentors on which ARISS schools have not yet submitted NASA-required online evaluations. Regulatory Information Update letters were mailed to the VCs currently listed in the VC database. Some 50 corrections / removals have been to the VCE\VC databases in response to the letters Inquiries were handled from amateurs in the Central, Dakota, New England, Roanoke, Rocky Mountain, Southeastern, Southwestern and West Gulf Divisions on a wide range of topics (reciprocal licensing, band plans, PRB-1 assistance). An RFI query about local police claiming jurisdiction over the problem was received from Minnesota. This was referred to Chris Imlay who provided back specific information for the amateur, with a recommendation they contact local counsel. Three club constitutions were reviewed and cleared for further action. In order to provide better direction for clubs in developing their club constitutions, a white paper was written and is being edited / improved. It will become part of the material available to clubs in the future. In order to keep QST and the ARRL Web contest results on schedule, N1ND has been working with Membership Services on current projects until the new Contest Manager is hired and in place. Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer The EA recommendations for the Maxim Award were collated and sent to HQ for Board consideration. Enough votes from the EC were received on the May round of ETP grants for the process to continue. Letters notification of the grant awards have been sent the schools. Upon return of letters of acceptance of expectations from the schools, equipment procurement will proceed. I will begin the first of five teachers institutes on Monday at the Parallax facility in Rocklin, CA. I will be out of the office starting tomorrow (Saturday) through the following Saturday preparing for and executing the TI. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 7/4 Holiday Dave Sumner 7/5-7/12 Florianopolis, Brazil for WRTC-Vacation Lisa Kustosik 6/19-6/23 Vacation Allen Pitts 7/6-7/12 Arizona State Convention, Williams, AZ `` 7/28 Jury Duty Joe Carcia 6/30-7/7 Vacation `` 7/14 Vacation `` 7/21 Vacation `` 7/28 Vacation Kathy Allison 7/7-7/14 Vacation Katie Breen 6/26-7/5 Vacation Ed Hare 6/22-6/24 IEEE BPL Meeting, Montreal, Canada `` 6/26-6/28 Vacation `` 7/24-7/28 IPQC BPL Symposium, Dallas, TX Bill Moore 6/20-6/27 Friedrichshafen Germany Convention Bob Inderbitzen 6/20-6/27 Friedrichshafen Germany Convention & Vacation `` 7/10-7/17 Vacation `` 8/7-8/11 Vacation Jo-Ann Arel 6/28 Vacation `` 7/17-7/21 Vacation Perry Williams 6/23-7/15 Vacation Steve Ford 7/3 Vacation Leona Adams 7/3 Vacation Joel Kleinman 7/13 Vacation Diane Szlachetka 7/3 Vacation Zoe Belliveau 6/26-6/30 Vacation Amy Hurtado 8/18-8/25 Vacation Monique Levesque 6/30-7/5 Vacation Khrystyne Keane 6/20 Vacation Larry Wolfgang 6/23, 6/26 Vacation Scott Gee 06/26 06/28 Vacation 07/17 07/19 Vacation Leona Adams 6/21 Vacation Steve Ewald 6/29 Vacation !&(KPRTqršÊÑÙ÷þ $ % & ÷ðæÜæÎæÜæÜæÃ湡¹pph`XS÷ hu?é5hXEhXE5hP5CJaJh&fpCJaJhXEh&fpB*CJaJph33 hXEh&fp>*B*CJaJph33 hXEh&fp5B*CJaJph33hXEh&fp>*CJ\hXEh&fp5CJ\hXEh&fpCJ\hXEh&fpCJaJhXEh&fp5CJ\aJhXEh4J5\hXEh&fp5\hXEh&fphXEh&fp5 !RSTqr§šÊØÙ÷ & ' 5 6 ÷òòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòççççç 1$7$8$H$gdP5gd&fp$a$gd&fpö?ý& R T } ¿Àåùúûhw»Ëijkz{¿ãå$^dfr ÂýõíõíõæÞÓËÀ³¥³³³³wrj_íj_j_j_íj_jh|zhÕ"ÎCJaJhÕ"ÎCJaJ hÕ"Î5hXECJaJhP5hXE5hP5hP5CJOJQJhXhXE6CJOJQJ]hXhXE6CJOJQJhXhXECJOJQJhXEhP5OJQJhXEOJQJhXEhXEOJQJhXEhXE5hP5hXEh|ÉCJaJhP5hP5CJaJ%6 Û Ü ¿ÀäåúûPQØÙjz{ ôôôôôïïïææÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÎïïÅÀgdÕ"Î 7$8$H$gdÕ"Îdð`gdP5dð`gdXE€€gdP5gd&fp 1$7$8$H$gdP5 KL]^èéIJ12 mn:;Ì͹ºÏÐöñññèèèèèèèèèèèèèèñññññããgd&fp 7$8$H$gdÕ"ÎgdÕ"Î ÆLgdÕ"Îýÿ»œ]²ÎëîlŸÑ¡€¯ŽÀº»ÐÞòÙÚ 78QRijµøðøðå×å×åðøðå×åÌ»Ìåªå¥}t}tjtjtjtjtjthXEhXE56hXEhXECJhXEhXECJaJhXEhXE5CJ\aJhXEhXEhXEhXE5 hÕ"Î5 h|zhÕ"Î56CJ\]aJ hÕ"ÎhÕ"Î56CJ\]aJhÕ"ÎhÕ"ÎCJaJh|zhÕ"Î6CJ]aJh|zhÕ"ÎCJaJhÕ"ÎCJaJh|ÉCJaJ)ÐÞçñòúññ]ññkd$$IflÖÖ0ô,ô8 Ö tàÖÿæææÿæææÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laölpÖÿæææÿæææ $IfgdXgdXE!$}} $IfgdXykdÉ$$IflÖÖ0ô,ô8 tàÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laöl$%=@}} $IfgdXykd]$$IflÖÖ0ô,ô8 tàÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laöl@A[^}} $IfgdXykdñ$$IflÖÖ0ô,ô8 tàÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laöl^_pr}} $IfgdXykd $$IflÖÖ0ô,ô8 tàÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laölrs}} $IfgdXykd$$IflÖÖ0ô,ô8 tàÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laöl¢€}} $IfgdXykd$$IflÖÖ0ô,ô8 tàÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laöl€¥ÀÂ}} $IfgdXykdA$$IflÖÖ0ô,ô8 tàÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laölÂÃÕØ}} $IfgdXykdÕ$$IflÖÖ0ô,ô8 tàÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laölØÙÚ (67|sss $IfgdXgdXEgdXEykdi$$IflÖÖ0ô,ô8 tàÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö4Ö laöl78JQ $IfgdXlkdý$$IflÖÖ0 þÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölQRci $IfgdXlkd$$IflÖÖ0 þÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölij| $IfgdXlkd+$$IflÖÖ0 þÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl $IfgdXlkdÂ$$IflÖÖ0 þÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl±µ $IfgdXgdXElkdY$$IflÖÖ0 þÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölµ¶ÆÐ $IfgdXlkdð$$IflÖÖ0ŒšŒìÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laölµ¶ÆÐÑæç01ÀÉCFNPôõöt{žŸÙöíàöÙÍŒíÍíÍí« }ín ] ] ] hXEhXEB*CJ\aJphhXEhXE56\]aJhXEhXEB* CJaJphhXEhXE6CJaJh|ÉCJaJhXEhXECJaJ hXEhXE56CJ\]aJ hXEhXECJOJPJQJ^JhXEhXE56CJhXEhXEhXEhXEB*CJphÿhXEhXECJhXEhXE56 ÐÑÒæçwn $IfgdX €€$IfgdXgdXE 7$8$H$gdXElkd $$IflÖÖ0ŒšŒìÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl(0 $IfgdXqkd $$IflÖÖ0@@TÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl012@A~¿ÀÉõö2>yy $IfgdX$gdXEgdXEqkdµ $$IflÖÖ0@@TÖ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöööÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿÖÿÿ4Ö laöl
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