[ARRL-ODV:8993] Re: Comcast Blocking arrl.net tra

Andy, You posted some good information regarding this issue. I run a small ISP, and about 2 years ago, we had a problem that our mail was getting blocked because of an open relay that we weren't aware of. Bernie Fuller was able to follow up with his ISP and get an answer for me as to why mail was blocked and we were able to fix it. I wonder if we would be able to run arrl.net from its own IP address to prevent our forwarding being blocked due to another "arrl.net" having spam sent out from it's domain under the same IP address. I use several email addresses on different ISP's and I use Mailwasher to filter out the spam. I think a spam washer is, and will conitnue to be as important as a virus detection program...the same as a spy ware detection/cleaning porgram is equally as important. Best wishes to all for a safe and happy July 4th! - Bill N3LLR AR>Since arrl.net runs on a shared server at an internet hosting service, and AR>since spam blacklisting is done by IP Address (there is only one of those AR>per server under normal circumstances), I think you are jumping to AR>conclusions when you state that "we got shut down". The IP Address was AR>blocked. But that could have been a reaction to other activity on that AR>shared server that had nothing to do with the arrl.net use of it. AR>We should get the facts of what happened and how it was resolved before we AR>start pressing for solutions. AR>Yes, the arrl.net e-mail address get their share of spam. But any e-mail AR>address that is published on a web page will be found by the spammers and AR>become a target.
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