[ARRL-ODV:9011] Re: Polls ... let's try again

As usual, Kay has tossed us a real thought tickler in her latest message of Morse. A 5 wpm requirement for Extra might fly. It would not satisfy everyone, of course. I'd like to revisit the basic sense of Kay's note, though. This is the issue about asking for members' opinions when we won't pay attention to them. I, for one, would have no idea of ignoring their opinions. Nor would I have any idea of being totally bound by an unscientifically-designed opinion poll. After all, we could word any poll to get nearly whatever answer we may want. On the other hand, a poll such as: _________________________________________________ BACKGROUND: The World Radio Conference of 2003 has removed the need for Morse code requirements in issuing Amateur Radio licenses. Each country is open to determine if applicants for licenses should need to demonstrate the ability to use Morse code. QUESTION: In view of this new development at the world level, which of the following statements most accurately reflects your attitude toward the FCC requiring Morse code proficiency for a US Amateur Radio license? 1. ___ Continue to require Morse code requirements. a. Provided you believe FCC should continue to require Morse code proficiency, should it be required: ___ for the Extra Class license, only, ___ for the General and Extra Class licenses. ___ other (describe): 2. ___ Abolish Morse code requirements. 3. What is the priority you would set for any effort to maintain Morse code: ___ High (more important than frequency protection) ___ Moderate (nearly as important as frequency protection) ___ Low (do only if time from other projects permits) __________________________________________________ I believe there is merit to pursuing this form of exploration (apologies to those who have different opinions), what do you think of the general direction of the above rough draft? 73, Jim W. Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director, Great Lakes Division k8je@arrl.org - Tel. 513-459-0142 ARRL -- The reason Amateur Radio is! GREAT LAKES DIVISION CONVENTION, September 6, 2003: See http://greatlakes.arrl.org
participants (1)
Jim Weaver