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The follow up campaigns to prior donors, major donors and major prospects will be in the mail before the Thanksgiving holiday. So far the 2007 Defense campaign has produced 6 new major donors ($250 or more). Media & Public Relations A Nov 13th meet with representatives of the American Red Cross yielded no new information. Meanwhile other Amateur Radio related publications are asking questions. Computer lock-ups caused problems with the Nov 17 ARRL audio news. It is on the web but not on the phone system. The letter was unaffected. Skywarn Recognition Day is Dec 2, files continue to be gathered for the 2007 PIO resource CD, and the Dec 29-30 event progresses. There is the chance that the 2007 EmComm-based brochure will be available in pdf format early in Dec along with a 2 min trailer of the coming (larger) video. Sales and Marketing A 60,000 piece membership mailing to lapsed- and never-member Technicians is at the printer and scheduled to mail the first week of December. Katie and Bob provided an update on 2006 membership strategies and 2007 membership plans to the Administration and Finance Committee. We recognized a delivery problem with October QST going into Australia, and quickly sought a resolution from the mailer. RR Donnelley has re-mailed poly bagged copies of QST at their cost to all 313 members in Australia. A letter of explanation was included. Routing into Australia has been changed in response to the problem. Membership renewal, messaging, content and timing are currently being reviewed. A 2007 schedule will be posted by mid December. Updates to the publications catalog are being assembled. The winter edition catalog goes to press during the first week of December. An email solicitation featuring the ARRL Visa Credit Card, ARRL rings and jewelry was sent to 47,508 members on Friday. We have acted on behalf of a major equipment manufacturer to help advance their planning for an online course supporting one of their products. The course will be hosted by the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium, which already serves ARRLs suite of online courses. ARRL will receive a portion of each registration fee. Business Services The Business Services team continues to make progress with Dealer sales of the new Handbook. We are also finishing up advertisement collection and layout for January 2007 QST. As did the December 2006 issue, January QST will also exceed projections. Staff is also working on advertising insertions for the January/February issues of NCJ and QEX. Membership Services Awards Branch CategoryProcessedWAS Certificate (Manual)1WAS Certificate (LoTW)4Extra Class Certs7WAC Certificates8A-1 Op Nominations85A-1 Op Certificates17VUCC Initial apps/Grids2/229VUCC Endorsement/Grids1/35Awards Charges12Awards Mailed37Plaques Shipped12Processing Time2 Weeks Contest Branch During the week, staff posted the August UHF Results column to the ARRLWeb, edited the QST version of the column, posted the 10 GHz logs to the web, made initial preparations for the 2006 DX plaque order and fielded several questions regarding operations in this weekends November SS Phone contest. DXCC Branch CategoryProcessedBeginning Credits32,401Credits Received8,350Credits Processed12,720Ending Credits28,031YTD Credits Received507,573YTD Applications Received4,631YTD Credits Returned555,787Applications Pending344Processing Time4 Weeks DXCC is currently entering credits received on November 13, 2006. DXCC is currently mailing applications received on October 23, 2006. Bill Moore attended the Ft Wayme hamfest this weekend. They checked: 12 DXCC Applications/1,683 credits; 3 WAS/150 credits; 2 ARRL Memberships sold. Special thanks to the following checkers who helped out this weekend: Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, Mike Goode, N9NS and Scott Lehman, N9AG. Also, to Vicky Luetzelschwab, AE9YL for doing Worked All States. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system112,386,943QSL records have resulted 6,770,493Logs Processed288,157Active Certificates21,360Users registered in the system14,118Hybrids Pending Mail65 QSL Branch There is no delay in opening mail and a 3 day delay in slotting of cards. This week, 131 pounds of cards were received from members. The next scheduled mailing is Wednesday, November 22, 2006. W1AW Thanks to Katie Breen, W1KRB, Dan Henderson, N1ND, Scott Honaker, N7SS, Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, Mike Mraz, N6MZ, Art Tanaka, N7CC and Julie Whitenight, KD7PJC for their operating W1AW in the ARRL November CW Sweepstakes. The logs show that they made 1198 QSOs, with 80 sections, for an initial claimed score of 191,680. The 2006 W1AW Frequency Measuring Text was conducted on Wednesday, November 15 at 9:45 PM EST. The theme of this years test was Back to Basics. Participants needed to measure our signal of unknown frequency (on three bands) and report their measurements. (In essence, we reported an approximate frequency. Participants had to measure the exact frequency.) To date, there are 110 entries that have come in via email. In response to Report & Order, WT Docket 04-140 (FCC 06-149) whichamong other things reallocated certain frequencies and modesW1AW will change its 80-meter broadcast frequency effective December 15, 2006. The new frequency for digital broadcasts will be 3597.5 kHz. Joe set up the three transmitters that were used in the FMT. Each day prior to the FMT, he conducted quick frequency measuring tests to determine the amount of drift in each transmitter. Joe also set up Studio One for the Sweepstake participants. He continues with the testing of WinDRM (a form of digital audio) for use on HF. Scott worked on slow and fast code practice files for the latter part of the month of November and early December. He also worked with Joe in the 2006 FMT. Scott also handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time slots. Field & Educational Services Field Organization/Public Service Team A complaint regarding interference to the Italian Maritime net on 14297 has been received, and it is being investigated. Chuck Skolaut reports that Official Observers are trying to track down an unidentified operation on 10 meters involving obscene language and a report of an over the horizon radar signal that was received in Oregon and California. Documentation was received at HQ from a Vermont Official Observer in response to an earlier FCC monitoring request. Another monitoring request received a response from Sacramento Valley. We learned that the FCC is continuing an investigation of a shortwave broadcaster on 40 meters. After December 15th was announced as the date the changes in the Report and Order in WT Docket 04-140 would go into effect, many more discussions by Field Organization Leaders and National Traffic System Leaders and participants have been taking place. New plans for many 80-meter net frequencies, net times and other on-the-air schedules are in development. Steve Ewald heard from the Pacific Section Leaders during their tsunami watch one day this past week, and he was in touch with the North Carolina Section Leaders following the tornadoes that struck there. SKYWARN had been activated to assist the National Weather Service. Leona Adams received a petition nominating Jim Brooks, KY4Z, of Cox Creek, as Section Manager for Kentucky. So far, we expect SM elections in Kentucky and North Texas during the winter season. Doug Dunn, K7YD, incumbent Montana SM has been nominated to run for another term. A dozen new Field Appointments were entered into the database and supply packages were sent. ARISS PR: Rosalie is guiding the ARISS Team on how to publicize to teachers a call for students science work to go on a CD to be transmitted from SuitSat-2. A British TV station aired the Pride of Britain Awards; the Teacher of the Year Award was won by a teacher because she coordinated the first British ARISS QSO and because she inspires students about science. The ARISS Team presented a talk on radio and ARISS to staff/students at Eastern Middle School (MD), who then contacted Rosalie on how to get ham radio in the school (Rosalie sent them to Marks Web material) , and to apply for an ARISS QSO. ARISS News Update: The Johnson Space Center ARISS Team worked to get sign-offs from the ISS Crew Office and ISS Program Office on the ARISS/NASA agreement, which will make ARISS more official with NASA, formalizing what happens if there are any problematic issues, and the path to follow to solve them. Rosalie took part in the official NASA debriefing of astronaut Jeff Williams. For ARRL Members: Rosalie provided advice and URLs to an ARRL member who gave a presentation to students at California State University, Fresno, on ARISS, SuitSat, CubeSats and Student Space Exploration and Technology Initiative. Rosalie sent several space-related Web URLs to Stan Horzepa for his Web column. ARISS Effect on Students: Some of the SuitSat-2 team are professors, and their College of New Jersey senior EE male and female students taking a software-defined radio elective course are assisting with the design and testing of some SuitSat-2 systems! American School in Rio de Janeiro had an ARISS QSO last April, and now, 10 students are ready to take their ham exams. International Aspects: A Flanders school had a successful ARISS QSO, this week. While the shuttle (STS-116) is docked to the ISS in early December, Christer Fugelsang, SA0AFS, plans a QSO with a Swedish school; the Houston ARISS Team got approval to do radio training with him. Johnson Space Center hosted a Space Flight Training Division meeting, and attending were Russian and US ARISS Team members, and reps from the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center and NASA; NASA wants to task the US ARISS Team with more of the ham radio training to reduce the amount of time that US crews spend in Russia. Field & Education Team Hamfest & ConventionsHamfestsHamfest Apps. Sent to Division Director for Approval14Hamfest Approval Letters Sent to Event Sponsor11Handouts and Door Prize Material Orders Processed0Label Requests for Upcoming Events5Conventions Convention Apps. Sent to Division Director for Approval1Convention Approval Letters Sent to Event Sponsor2Convention Apps. Sent to the EC for Approval0EC Convention Approval Letters Sent to Event Sponsor0Clubs New Club Apps. Reviewed4Acknowledgement Letters Sent to Club Officials6New Club Apps. Sent to Directors and SMs for Approval6New Club Apps. Sent to the EC for Approval0EC Approval Letters Sent to Newly-Affiliated Clubs0Charter of Affiliation Cert. Sent to Newly-Affiliated Clubs0Newly-Affiliated Clubs Entered into Siebel0New SSC Apps. sent to Director, SM, & ACC for Approval0SSC Approval Letter Sent to Club Official0SSC Certificate Sent to Newly-Designated SSC Club0QST Hamfest Announcements - January issue27Convention Announcements - January issue4Convention TravelAllen Pitts, W1AGP, WCF Section, Palmetto, FL, Dec. 2-3, 06 Clubs & MentorsClubsClub Updates31Club assistance and histories Below 51% notification SSC SSC sent to ACC SSC Certificates 7 letters sent Instructors Instructor Reg1Teachers Teacher Reg Materials & Brochures Class Materials Graduation Kits Exhibit Kits/ brochure requests8Jota Kits Label Requests Filled Sales Orders Processed4Public Service Reports Regulatory Information The big news was the publication in the Federal Register of R&O 06-149, which implements 04-140, with an effect date is December 15. We worked with QST and Web staff to provide information for the web story, updating of the FAQ on the R&O, and handled numerous queries on the issue via email and telephone. We began working with Web Services to prepare updated versions of the revised Part 97 to be available for the web when the R&O takes effect. Numerous phone calls and emails are coming in on various parts of the R&O, but primarily concentrating on the problems being presented by the 500-Hz width limit for digital modes. We are continuing to work with the Wisconsin SM on the antenna interference case of W9AOL in Milwaukee. Several phone calls have been exchanged regarding a very contentious antenna complain in Bethany, OK involving once again W5GHZ. In the past few months several persons at ARRL have dealt with Mr. Deitz in an ongoing dispute has entered into with a neighbor over RFI and aesthetics. The case escalated during the week when Mr. Deitz was served with notice of violation of several local ordinances related to his antennas. At his request, I spoke with the Zoning Enforcement official in Bethany and explained the provisions of PRB-1, also citing the RFI-ordinance preemption afforded by Congress over local interference ordinances. There are several levels of problem in play here and I have again recommended to Mr. Deitz it would strongly benefit him to retain counsel in this case. I also participated in the teleconference of the ARRL Legal Assistance and Antenna Defense Committee on Monday November 13 at the request of Chairman Bellows. We also worked with Riley Hollingsworth to clear a number of inquiries he had in his queue waiting for replies. Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer There were a few late arriving ETP grant applications but they were postmarked by the suspense date of 1 November. Of the 20 applications, 18 were credible. My recommendations and the grant packages were mailed to HQ for distribution to the EC for consideration. I hope to get the EC votes by December 15 so that I can in turn notify the schools of the results before the Christmas break. I completed the development of the next activity board kit for the TI curriculum, the TV remote board which will serve a dual purpose of a Soldering 101 platform. Basic soldering will be added to next years TI curriculum (a result from teacher critique of the program). I have one more board to produce in preparation for the 2007 TIs. An article I wrote on an ARISS antenna design that schools can duplicate was published in the AMSAT Journal, this article stimulated additional requests for the Sat688 rotor interface board (proceeds are going back into the ETP funds). I have provided one of the interfaces to the ARISS team upon their request. They are developing a deployable ARISS ground station. Apparently an MP3 file of a presentation on Ham Radio Instruction I made at Dayton has been posted on the web. This posting has stimulated a new round of requests for the instructional support materials CD-ROM that I have been providing to interested hams. As soon as the instructors materials are published and available for purchase, I will turn stop replicating the draft material on CD-ROM and refer the requests for the materials to the ARRL book store. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 11/23-11/24 Holiday All Staff 12/25 Holiday Steve Capodicasa 11/20-11/22 Vacation `` 12/19 Vacation Steve Ewald 11/27-12/1 Vacation Scott Gee 12/11-12/12 Vacation `` 12/22-12/26 Vacation Tom Hogerty 11/20-11/22 Vacation `` 12/26-12/29 Vacation Bob Inderbitzen 11/22 Vacation `` 12/6-12/8 Natl Convention Planning, Huntsville AL Lisa Kustosik 12/26 Vacation Rick Lindquist 11/13-11/22 Vacation Wayne Mills 11/18-11/28 Vacation `` 12/27-1/3 Vacation Bill Moore 12/7 Jury Duty `` 12/22-1/2 Vacation Frank Perez 11/22-11/27 Vacation Barry Shelley 11/30-12/1 Vacation Chuck Skolaut 11/20-11/28 Vacation !,JYZ[\eyz¡¢²³ŽÀû ü ý ÿ ! ÷ìâÛâÍÛâÛâźÛ⳪¡¡³|qqldYh8$Oh8$OCJaJh8$Oh8$O5 h8$O5hAmÐhAmÐCJaJhAmÐhAmÐ5hAmÐCJaJh8$Ohò<ÍCJ\aJhPû>*CJ\hò<Í>*CJ\hò<Í5CJ\ hò<ÍCJ\hXEhò<ÍCJaJhò<ÍCJaJhXEhò<Í5CJ\aJhò<Í5\hXEhò<Í5\h2'hò<ÍCJaJhXEhò<Í5 !Z[\yz²³ŽÀÁý þ ÿ qrs÷òòòòòòòòòòòòòéééòòòòàòò× 7$8$H$gdPû 7$8$H$gd8$O 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