[arrl-odv:29380] Online cabinet meeting and On The Air

Looking at Rick’s report and the part regarding communications to members, I thought I would share this with all of you. Tonight I held an online cabinet meeting. Several clubs that were far away asked for this so I figured I would try it out. It was pretty well received even though we ran out of slots for people to join. I definitely think that since we are trying zoom that it may work better as it comes with 100 participants and can go up to 1000. Anyway, I showed my copy of on the air. I scanned a few pages. I’ve been talking it up as the project is very exciting to many clubs who are involved in mentoring. Clubs definitely want some copies to show or lend new hams and get them interested. It was suggested that we get some printed copies for clubs to show to successful candidates at VE sessions who are interested, or get them a trial of ARRL membership and let them view it digitally. It would be nice if we could give them a flyer or a card with that plus a QR code that would take them to On The Air. One member asked about a library subscription. I will ask at HQ when I am there on Wednesday but I would like to see him get one for the library. It’s something to consider. All in all I believe OTA is going to be a smash hit. It’s simple enough for new hams and has interesting content even for seasoned hams. Also the layout is fresh and modern. The millennial and Gen Z crowd (yes I have some of them in my division) certainly does like it. It has my full support and I would encourage the rest of the Board to support it and other similar efforts. 73 Ria, N2RJ
participants (1)