Greetings, and Merry Christmas! Like all of you, I've had my share of comments on the Morse elimination, and in our particular area of Creation, sentiment is strong against its elimination, not that it matters any more. Like many of you, as well, I took my first exams under an FCC examiner, some of who couldn't give a hoot whether you passed or not. I remember one particular examiner in Memphis who took delight in announcing the word "FAILED!" in a particularly loud voice. Needless to say it was an intimidating atmosphere. Yes, the exams today are tougher in content, but in those days, I, at least, didn't have a clue what would be on the test. Now, we're given exact wording in advance - which to me, basically puts todays exams on a par with those of yesteryear. More to the point, the thing that most are concerned about appear to fall into two categories: (1) Possible loss of CW as a mode entirely, and (2) CBerization (yep, my word) of Ham Radio. To the first point, I usually respond that CW will simply fall into line with the rest of the modes. It, like PSK, RTTY, ATV, and others, has an allure of its own, so I just don't see CW dying, though it may "fall from grace" somewhat since you don't need any particular skills to use the other modes. I've done a lot of thinking about the second point, though. Many looked at CW as the great equalizer. If you 'really' wanted to be a ham, CW was not a brick wall, and after all, humans tend to treasure that which they've had to work for. To whatever extent that may have been true, I think the written exams will serve as the filter for those who just want another CB. Loss of the CW testing requirement is not equal to loss of CW. It's still here. We just won't test people on it any more. As to the integrity of the service, hasn't that always been up to us anyway? If we really want to maintain the integrity of the service, we'll maintain it. If we compromise, we'll lose. It is no different than life in general. So, now we face a bold new future, both from a calendar perspective, and from the perspective of the future of our service in general. It is therefore incumbent upon us [licensees] to ensure that the folks we bring into the service are educated in its traditions, its rules, and its fraternity. Whatever side of the CW religious argument you were on, it has always been that way. The League must lead the way. From 5 acres on County Road 458 at the foot of Stubb's hill in Tippah County, North Mississippi, N5TBB and I wish all of you a Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year. We'll see y'all in January. 73, Karl, WA5TMC -------------------------------------- "Of, By, and For..." - Not just words! Karl Bullock, WA5TMC ARRL Vice Director - Delta Division 321 CR 458 Ripley, MS 38663 662 512-8053
participants (1)
Karl Bullock