35 Letters Ain't Yet 35 !!!!

Dave will be providing a summary of congressional visits to you soon so you will be aware of our on-going D.C. legwork. I need to again re-emphasize the importance of sending your own congressional representative a letter regarding H.Res 230. Thank you very much to those that have sent your letter. It is greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, we have NOT reached our mark of 35 letters. Dave did all the leg work and prepared the letter for each of you and emailed it to you. All that is required on your part is the very brief moment it takes to print it out, sign it, put it in an addressed envelope and mail it. So I really don't understand why everyone hasn't done this. If there is a valid reason, please let me know. If you lost the email or did not receive the email that contained your letter, give us a yell, we'll send you a replacement. This is very important. The board unanimously said our 2006 Legislative Agenda is important and a very high priority for ARRL and amateur radio, and BPL that is specifically addressed in H.Res. 230 is urgently important. Yet we're deficient in getting 100% of our own small group of 35 directors, vice directors and officers to put forth the effort to mail a simple letter that was already prepared for you. If we're not willing to participate 100% in this effort, how can we can expect our members to follow our lead? We also can't expect to hold the staff or Chwat accountable for this effort because if we can't get 100% behind a simple task like this, how can we expect them to think of our legislative effort is important task when we just talk and don't walk? They are asking for your help. I am asking for your help. Your Grassroots Committee is asking for your help. PLEASE. So, if you are one of the few that has not yet sent your letter to your congressional representative regarding H.Res. 230...PLEASE, please do so immediately, and make sure you send Dave and/or Chwat a copy. It is important that we report to the Executive Committee on March 11 that we have reached 100% in our 35 letter campaign. Tnx es 73, Joel W5ZN
participants (1)
Joel Harrison