[arrl-odv:34558] Convention Funding Motion

Board Members, During the January ARRL board meeting, a motion was unanimously approved: "The sum of 150,000 is allocated to the 2023-2024 plan for the purposes of supporting ARRL Division Conventions via a process to be determined by staff." In coordination with the ARRL Foundation board and with the support of the A&F chair, I am taking the following action: ARRL will issue a check for $150,000 to the ARRL Foundation for the creation of a Convention Grants program. In addition, at the conclusion of the board meeting, we immediately applied to ARDC for a matching funds grant of another $150,000 to go along with this funding (the success of which is yet to be determined). Once the funding is established within the Foundation, the group now known as the 'Club Grants Subcommittee' will develop a process for clubs who are conducting division level conventions and need seed money, or who lost money due to unforeseen circumstances, to apply for a grant to support their convention. Also, in cases like Yuma and Plano, where the events have died and need to be 'reborn', if a club steps forward to take on the event and needs funding on say a 3 year declining need basis to get the event going and sustained again, they too could apply for a grant. In future years, if this is a grant program that proves important to the viability of division level conventions, ARRL, ARDC, and even donors can support the initiative by providing additional financial support. Thanks David
participants (1)
Minster, David NA2AA (CEO)