[ARRL-ODV:7994] Re: Continuing Saga

I like your style. <grin> - Bill N3LLR AR>Since MSN and Hotmail are essentially free email services, pulling out even AR>100k users would have a minimal impact on them and their millions of users. AR>However, their Achilles' heel is their advertiser base. Mess with their AR>revenue source and you will get their attention. AR>Have a nice Thanksgiving, all!!! AR>73, Gary KI4LA AR>on 11/27/02 10:36 AM, Shelley, Barry, N1VXY at bshelley@arrl.org wrote: AR>> Tuck: AR>> AR>> While attractive on the surface, I don't think it would be in the ARRL's b AR>> interests to be seen as advocating this type of position. I don't want to AR>> to war with Microsoft...heck, the government couldn't win that one. But I AR>> admit....deep down, there's a part of me that would like to. AR>> AR>> And, just for everyone's information, some of our arrl.net customers have AR>> indicated that this is the route they are taking with Juno.com. AR>> AR>> 73, AR>> Barry, N1VXY AR>>> -----Original Message----- AR>>> From: Miller, Tuck (Vice Dir, SW) AR>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 10:31 AM AR>>> To: arrl-odv AR>>> Subject: [ARRL-ODV:7988] Re: Continuing Saga AR>>> AR>>> Wonder what JUNO's or even MSN's response would be if our members who ha AR>>> paid accounts with their services would discontinue their accounts and go AR>>> elsewhere. Curious to see if that would change their minds.... 73, Hap AR>>> Thanksgiving to all, AR>>> AR>>> Tuck NZ6T
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