[arrl-odv:25723] FW: Ethics and Elections Committee Decision

Per Bylaw 41, I hereby request a review by the full Board of Directors of the below decision of the Ethics and Elections Committee. I also request a roll call vote Doug K4AC “Decisions of the Ethics and Elections Committee may be reviewed by the Board of Directors upon the written request of any candidate for that office or five or more Directors. Review shall be limited to the materials submitted to the Ethics and Elections Committee. A majority of the Board of Directors is required to change any decision of the Ethics and Elections Committee.” From: Dale Williams [mailto:dale.wms1@frontier.com] Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 10:02 PM To: Doug Rehman <doug@k4ac.com> Cc: Rod Blocksome <rod.blocksome@gmail.com>; Olson Kent (KA0LDG) <ka0ldg@arrl.org>; Chris Imlay <w3kd.arrl@gmail.com>; Rick Roderick <k5ur@aol.com>; Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF <tgallagher@arrl.org> Subject: Ethics and Elections Committee Decision Dear Mr. Rehman: It is our obligation to inform you that at a meeting Sunday evening of the Ethics and Elections Committee, the Committee voted unanimously to find you ineligible for (re)election pursuant to Bylaws 19 and 41.The Committee considered two separate complaints with respect to unethical actions taken by you in connection with your re-election campaign, and as well a series of actions taken by you with respect to your opponent’s election campaign As such, we intend to declare Mr. Sarratt the sole eligible candidate and a ballot will not be mailed on October 1, 2016. We will provide you and the ARRL Board a full and complete explanation of the basis for our decision without delay, inasmuch as you may decide to ask the Board of Directors members to review our decision pursuant to Bylaw 41. However, before doing so, we offer you the opportunity to withdraw voluntarily from the Southeastern Division election for Director for the term commencing January 1, 2017, thus making it unnecessary to present our findings to the Board. So you can evaluate this option, one of the complaints related to campaign information on your QRZ.com site and your Facebook page disparaging ARRL and its Board of Directors. Another related to your election-related interactions with Gigaparts. The Committee also considered the extent to which you took action to remove disparaging information about ARRL and ARRL Board members from your campaign websites and the information that still appears on those web sites; plus the complaints that you have lodged against your opponent Mr. Sarratt. Because it is urgent to convey to the Board both the information available to the Committee and the basis for the decision that we have made with respect to your election eligibility, we would ask for your decision how you wish to proceed not later than the end of the day Wednesday, September 21, 2016. We plan to have our report to the Board ready by early Thursday should that be necessary. The Committee made its decision after careful deliberation and with the utmost reluctance. 73, Dale, WA8EFK - Ethics & Elections Committee Chairman Kent, KA0LDG - Ethics & Elections Committee Member Rod, K0DAS - Ethics & Elections Committee Member
participants (1)
Doug Rehman