[arrl-odv:20088] Larry Price, President Emeritus, and other things

From an airport on the way home from the meeting, I sent Larry an e-mail letting him know about being named President Emeritus by the Board, including the full text of the resolution. He replied, saying, "That was completely unexpected and welcome news. Thanks a bunch to all involved." Greg Sarratt is in touch with Larry about making a public recognition of the honor at the upcoming Huntsville Hamfest. Larry lives in Georgia and is a past Southeastern Division Vice Director and Director, which is why I invited Greg to second the motion making Larry a President Emeritus.
I am on vacation at the beach in North Carolina this week. When I get back home, I will get right on appointing the committees that you authorized. I think I know where my nephew, who owns this house, wrote down his wireless access point network key (already found the password), and if that's true I'll have reliable Internet access from here apart from my Blackberry. Or I'll ask for help from my teen-age great-nephew, who figured out his uncle's wireless access point security a long time ago. Kids! At the moment I'm getting in via the wireless access point of some neighbor who's foolish enough to leave his system unsecured. In a beach resort town. How brilliant is that? 73 - Kay N3KN
participants (1)
Kay Craigie