PSC minutes 17 January 2008 (final '07 committee meeting)

These minutes cover the Thursday (pre-board) PSC meeting. PSC minutes 17 Jan 2008 Houston members K0QB K0BJ K1TWF N2FF N6AA K8JE Observing K0CA W3TOM occasional WJ1B K5UR W5ZN A FIELD SVCS NTS K0QB's 13 Jan. email to K6YR (Attachment 1) implementing language curtailing certain volume traffic was distributed. Section governance SM budget use for publication purchases (esp. calendars) was discussed. K0QB suggests - don't adjust overspent budget if it involves publications. It would be good to write expectations and hints on spending the budget in SM manual (like put charitable mileage IRS rule in manual). Only a few SMs are quite disenchanted with the publications policy. It would be desirable to have N1VXY produce a document with advice on addressing allocation of small capital expenses. The committee will study proportionate allocation of SM budgets (not on calendar year basis, but coinciding with SM term). Another fix would be commencing all SM terms on 1 January. The next PSC Committee should formulate a zoomerang-type web survey with specific questions as a followup on orig. governance survey. B MEMBER SVCS Awards The committee took no action on the informal, untimely Algerian, or any other, International Humanitarian nominations. DXCC The inaugural FJ operation with an OH club call and CEPT-related issues was discussed. There is continued realization that FS COULD be viewed as a new country, but this is complicated by inability of software to delete countries now. K0CA NN1N and K0BJ were appointed as an ad hoc committee to investigate the possibility of reestablishing 'new' deleted entities, and associated software ramifications. Use of volunteers at Hq has alleviated some of the staff crunch and DXCC backlog. Instances of unusually long DXCC turnaround times (over 3 months) seem to be caused by individual hang-ups on certain credits in "problem" applications, and not a systemic problem(per NN1N/WJ1B). NN1N mentioned MSD is looking at offering pricing breaks for smaller LoTW applications, in order to get away from the massive, infrequent submission scenario that aggravates the backlog. By acclamation, the committee approved the concept of having certain field checkers do 160M checking. DXAC Should we ask them about reestablishing deleted countries? CAC NN1N and K0BJ will send the tasking on remote operation to CAC. VUAC There is conflict between VUAC and Awards Committee re whether a single-op should be able to view rover APRS data. VUAC 10/6 yes Awards Committee No Current PSC tied 3-3 philosophically. This will be deferred to the new committee. A Single Op Assisted category is a possible solution. The VUAC term expires soon. K0QB moved, N6AA 2nd for a 2 year extension motion to go to the board. Carried. N6AA - should we task VUAC with problem of unlimited rovers? Field Day FD committee K1TWF and K0BJ discussed N1ND's idea of 3 FD changes. They supported "demo mode" change, to an "activity" not necessarily linked to modes, and eliminating the free VHF station, and allowing the GOTA station to do VHF as well as HF. They were neutral to negative on the second proposal, giving 100 point bonus for a VE exam session associated with FD. After discussion: Votes: demo modes eliminated and Educational activity established PASS Free VHF station elimination FAIL define GOTA to include VHF & people licensed since last FD, and generally inactive for ~ a year PASS VE exam bonus -- FAIL C EDUCATION SERVICES No updates D VEC VE manual is on track for 1st qtr release, AB1FM and WB8IMYmust review E 2008 PLAN MVP OPRNL GOALS WJ1B discussed and fielded questions regarding the 2008 plan as pertaining to MVP. F SILENT KEY DATABASE Some SK data will be sent to the N6AA-identified list operator as a beta test. G OTHER ISSUES OO ISSUES OOs now send reports insulated from Newington vetting. FCC can also request OO projects through K0BOG. N6AA has a constituent who thinks OOs should send notices thru Newington. Uploading certain contest logs to LoTW N6AA suggestion. This would involve 3rd parties uploading, after obtaining permission from owners of 'juicy' logs, and TQSL certificates. May need a subcommittee to look at all issues. PSC generally in favor. N2FF is concerned about public perception. It was noted that this is already occurring to a limited extent by private arrangement. LoTW consulting via web control of host computer N6AA suggests we could have a volunteer cadre to do so. This would be mainly to do initial set up of the TQSL certificate.
participants (1)
Bruce Frahm K0BJ