[ARRL-ODV:11689] Strike Rumblings at United

Greetings, A story broke on Yahoo this afternoon that the United Flight Attendants have authorized a strike if the bankruptcy proceedings don't go their way (those proceedings start January 7). http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=568&ncid=749&e=2&u=/nm/20041... If you have not yet booked flights for the board meeting, you might consider the possibility of a United strike when you make your plans. Also, I'd suggest booking quickly (if you have not yet booked) because seats on other airlines will fill faster once this story hits the evening news. Seasoned business travelers may start making backup reservations on other carriers or avoid United altogether, both of which will put pressure on the available seats on the other carriers. But then again, this is preliminary rumblings and maybe no one will panic yet. 73, Andy Oppel, N6AJO Vice Director, Pacific Division, ARRL n6ajo@arrl.org home: (510) 864-2299 cell: (510) 910-1508
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Andy Oppel