[arrl-odv:17815] EmComm Advisory Committee?

ODV, I've pasted below some comments I recently received from K4CJX. Steve is an Assistant Director for the Delta Division and he is, no doubt, very enthusiastic (and sometimes sarcastic!) in expressing his opinions. However, I believe Steve is essentially correct in his observation that we (the BOD) should do more to show our support of emergency communications. One suggestion I want to throw out to the ODV is the creation of an EmComm Advisory Committee similar in structure to the three existing advisory committees (the DXAC, CAC, and VUAC). I enjoy chasing DX and playing in some of the contests, but I believe practically all of us would agree that EmComm is at least as important, if not more so. The creation of such an advisory committee would help signal to the membership that the BOD is very serious about emergency communications. More importantly, however, I think the advice that the Board would receive from the EmComm experts who would serve on the committee would be quite valuable. I have discussed this topic with a number of Delta Division folks (particularly the Section Managers and Assistant Directors) and they agree that the BOD should have an EmComm Advisory Committee equivalent in stature to the DXAC, CAC, and VUAC. Thanks and 73, Mickey K5MC Mickey, This After Action Report obviously is NOT for publication, although it is the one report I can release. What it does illustrate is that not all communications resources consider Winlink 2000 a "lightning rod," a term used by one of our ARRL senior staff. That negative connotation is reserved for the naysayers on QRZ forums, and their followers on the ARRL staff and, unfortunately, certain members of the ARRL Board of Directors. After all, look at the push for EmComm by the ARRL during Dayton Hamvention. Right on target. Attached is one of the agencies involving Winlink 2000 during DICE 09. Much use of Winlink 2000 was involved on the Amateur side as well, especially in South Texas, but, "we certainly don't want to start any negative momentum," so let's keep all that on the QT. I still have July, 2004, minute 21 in mind, and how the Staff jumped right on top of their mandate. Fascinating how they evade BOD actions! On a personal note, I am sorry I could not get to Knoxville this year to meet with you. FYI , Steve
participants (1)
Mickey Cox