[arrl-odv:24096] IN-News

IN-Newsletter Vol. 40, No. 9 March 18, 2015 - Covers the period March 1-14. Upcoming Meetings and Events Executive Committee March 21 @ 8:30am in Dulles, VA Administration & Finance Committee April 11 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Production/Editorial Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY "Oscilloscopes for Radio Amateurs" by Paul Danzer, N1II, was sent to the printer. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Bob Inderbitzen prepared materials for the ARRL Wisconsin State Convention, AES Superfest, which will be held on Saturday, March 21. Bob is attending Superfest which is held at annually at Amateur Electronic Supply in Milwaukee. ARRL's planning for Dayton Hamvention has ramped-up, including registration activity, exhibit planning, ARRL-sponsored forums, and promotion. Diane Petrilli attended a "Great Ideas" conference, sponsored by the American Society of Association Executives. A St. Patrick's Day-themed membership promotion was prepared for emailing on March 16. A spring-themed publications promotion was prepared for mailing later this month. The mailing includes coupons that can be redeemed in April, May, and June. Yvette Vinci prepared the report of new Life Members for the upcoming Executive Committee Meeting. Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity, reported by Steve Capodicasa: Week ending Packages fulfilled Member Premiums 3/13/2015 679 471 3/6/2015 812 425 2/27/2015 751 640 2/20/2015 798 436 Field Services & Radiosport Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 2 Weeks Logbook Processing Time 3 - 5 Business Days Logbook of the World Category Feb 2015 QSO Records Entered Into System 658,521,220 QSL Record Matches 106,556,975 Logs Processed 7,547,964 Active Certificates 111,352 Registered Users in System 74,948 Logbook Inquiries Feb 2015 Time on the Phone 26 Hours Phone Calls 221 Emails 1,832 Total 2,053 Field Organization/Public Service Team The nomination period for new Section Manager terms of office starting on July 1, 2015, concluded on Friday, March 6. Leona Adams reports that Utah Section Manager Mel Parkes, NM7P, will face Pat Malan, N7PAT, of South Jordan, in the only Section Manager balloted election this spring. Northern New Jersey Section Manager Rich Krohn, N2SMV, submitted his petition this past week in advance of the deadline. No other nominees from Northern New Jersey were submitted, so Rich will continue his position. Marty Pittinger, KB3MXM, of Owings Mills, Maryland, was nominated for the Maryland -DC SM position. No other nominations from MDC were submitted. Jim Cross, WI3N, the present Section Manager, decided not to run for another term of office. Marty will succeed Jim in July. Jim has been Section Manager in MDC since 2006. Ron Harden, Jr. KB5HGM, of Baird, Texas, was previously nominated as West Texas Section Manager earlier this season. He was the only nominee for the position when current Section Manager Bill Roberts, W5NPR, decided not to run for a new term of office. Ron will succeeded Bill in July. Bill has been West Texas SM since 2011. As previously reported in earlier IN Newsletters, the following incumbent Section Managers were nominated for new terms of office. Since they will not have any opposition in this election cycle, they will begin their new terms of office on July 1: John Bigley, N7UR (Nevada); Bob Beaudet, W1YRC (Rhode Island); Peter Stohrer, K1PJS (New Hampshire); Dan Pruitt, AE6SX (San Joaquin Valley). Chuck Skolaut compiled and sent the monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report to the Region 2 IARU Monitoring Coordinator. Documentation was also forwarded to Laura Smith regarding operation on 3.843 MHz. One radio amateur from New York-Long Island successfully completed requirements to become an Official Observer this past week. A report of an unidentified digital signal being heard on several 2 meter frequencies in Western Washington was received and is being checked out. A report of an Over the Horizon Radio signal on 28.930 MHz was received and verified by the Region 1 monitoring coordinator as originating in Cyprus or Turkey. Chuck and Steve filled in for W1AW staff by running two morning code practice sessions at W1AW this past week. Education Services Reported by Debra Johnson, K1DMJ --Our winter issue of Radio Waves<http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Radio%20Waves%20Newsletter/Winter%202015%20Radio%20Waves.pdf> was sent to 15,686 subscribers. --During February we received 81 license instructor registrations and posted 50 class listings for 2015. --Plans are underway for an Education booth in the ARRL Expo for Hamvention. Larry Kendall, K6NDL will represent the Education & Technology Program. Scouting Ourgraphics team designed a certificate for the new ARRL Boy Scouts Community Service Award. Section Managers can submit nominations for this award, which was finalized through coordination with the BSA National Relationships Committee. The award entitles the leader to wear the BSA Square Knot emblem. Read more<http://www.arrl.org/news/boy-scouts-recognize-arrl-amateur-radio-service-to-scouting-award>. License Instruction Authors Rick Crockett, W0PC and Ron Ochu, KO0Z are writing lesson plans and developing power points to create a General License Preparation Course that will correspond to the license study content presentation in ARRL's new 8th edition of GCLM to be released this spring. Education & Technology Program A brochure<http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Teachers%20Institute/Teachers%20Institute%20Brochure%202015.pdf> with the details of the Teachers Institute program for 2015 was printed and is being distributed upon request. In addition to an announcement in March QST, information about these professional development opportunities has been circulated through email distribution lists and several communications streams to educators. Inquiries and applications are beginning to come in. ARISS During February astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, IZ0UDF made successful contacts with students at W.T. Sampson School, a Dept. of Defense school in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and with students at Council Rock High School in Holland, PA and at Riversink Elementary School in Crawfordville, FL. International contacts included Cristoforetti's interview with two Italian schools and a contact between Russian cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov with students in St. Petersburg, Russia. ARISS opened a new window on February 15 to receive proposals from US schools wanting to host a contact during Jan-June 2016. Edith Lennon, N2ZRW is now contracting with ARRL Education Services to provide administrative support for the ARISS program. A draft MOU is in the works with CASIS (Center for Advancement of Science in Space) to provide the basis for funding to support for ARISS operations through 2015. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 4/3 Holiday All Staff 5/25 Holiday All Staff 7/3 Holiday Leona Adams 3/13 PTO Bob Allison 4/3-3/5 WCF Technical Conference, Sebring, FL Steve Capodicasa 3/16 PTO `` 3/27 PTO `` 4/13 PTO Lauren Clarke 3/28-4/1 Assoc. of Fundraising Conference, Baltimore, MD Mike Corey 5/1-5/3 Nevada State Convention, Verdi, NV Steve Ewald 3/27-4/7 PTO Jackie Ferreira 3/13 PTO Norm Fusaro 3/27-3/29 Texas State Convention, Rosenberg, TX Mike Gruber 5/1 NearFest, Deerfield, NH `` 6/1-6/4 PTO `` 8/24-8/28 PTO `` 9/28-10/2 PTO Ed Hare 3/13-3/19 IEEE EMC Symposium & Board Meeting, San Jose, CA `` 3/3/20-3/28 PTO `` 4/2-4/6 North Carolina State Convention, Raleigh, NC `` 6/5-6/7 Northwestern Division Convention, Seaside, OR Dan Henderson 7/16-7/18 Board Meeting/Committee Meeting `` 7/31-8/2 Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Bryce Canyon, UT Bob Inderbitzen 3/19-3/22 Wisconsin State Convention, Milwaukee, WI `` 8/7-8/9 South Texas Section convention, Austin, TX Debra Johnson 3/4-3/11 PTO `` 3/27-3/30 PTO Sean Kutzko 3/20-3/22 S. Florida Section Convention, Stuart, FL `` 3/26-3/27 PTO Dave Patton 3/19-3/22 Nebraska State Convention, Lincoln, NE `` 4/17-4/19 International DX, Visalia, CA `` 7/24-7/26 Oklahoma Section Convention, Oklahoma City, OK Diane Petrilli 6/5-6/7 Northwestern Division Convention, Seaside, OR Steve Sant Andrea 3/11-3/12 PTO Barry Shelley 3/24-3/27 PTO Dave Sumner 3/18-3/22 FCC Visit/Executive Committee Meeting, Dulles, VA `` 3/24-4/1 PTO `` 4/30-5/1 NAB luncheon/PTO `` 5/26-6/5 PTO `` 6/11-6/14 West Gulf Division Convention, Irving, TX `` 6/23-6/29 Friedrichshafen Convention, Germany Yvette Vinci 3/10-3/13 PTO
participants (1)
Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ