Here is an update on a few things that are being worked. 1. I'm a couple of days behind my schedule in getting the Ad-hoc National Emergency Response Committee appointed. I'm still wrapping up a few loose ends and will have it completed shortly. 2. The VUAC is still be finalized as well. 3. Later today (Wednesday) at 3:00 PM, Sumner, Imlay, Rinaldo, and Eric Heis will be meeting Richard Russel, White House Associate Director of Technology, at the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy regarding BPL. Chwat & Co. arranged the meeting. You will recall a meeting occurred on May 20, 2004 with Mr. Russel who at that time basically reaffirmed the White House's position on BPL, but challenged us to come back with a position on how to proceed with BPL in a way where the technology could still work but would address our concerns. Since that time, we've conducted and documented exhaustive engineering studies and have complied a large quantity of field data, as well as pursuing the Motorola BPL venture that is specifically aimed at avoiding interference. We believe we can present an alternative BPL position that will address Mr. Russel's charge to us while continuing to focus on the serious interference of BPL in general. 4. Tomorrow Eric Heis and I will be meeting with Representative Mike Ross at Mike's office in D.C. You will recall I mentioned my intention to do so at the board meeting to smooth over some bad feelings over our failure to garner more support for the BPL resolution Ross dropped on the House floor for us. 5. Also tomorrow, Sumner, Imlay, and Rinaldo will meet with John Giusti of FCC Commissioner Copp's office. Following that meeting, Sumner and Imlay (and possibly me, depending on my schedule) will meet with Fred Campbell of FCC Chairman Martin's office. FCC meetings will focus on license restructuring and BPL. 6. Regarding the Ross meeting, I trust each of you have sent your letter to your respective representative regarding H.Res. 230. If not, PLEASE, PLEASE do so immediately and make sure you copy either Chwat. It is imperative that we ALL take our legislative initiative seriously and personally cooperate and support this effort that was unanimously directed by the board. 7. CTO Rinaldo and General Counsel Imlay attended a meeting at NTIA regarding expansion of the amateur allocation at 5 MHz last week. Rinaldo made a formal presentation on amateur activity at 5 MHz that supported an expansion. Paul's attendance at the meeting and reason for his presentation is his status with these folks as Paul works with most of the attendees in other areas that the Technical Relations Office is involved in and knows most of these people on a first name basis. While it is the FCC, not the NTIA, that will make a decision on expansion of the amateur allocation at 5 MHz, that is not going to happen until we have the full support of the NTIA and the related agencies. A full report will be forthcoming following this evening and tomorrow's meetings. 73 Joel W5ZN
participants (1)
Joel Harrison