[arrl-odv:24852] FCC plans to launch new website

Those of you who have been frustrated with the current FCC website may find this of interest. There is a prototype of the new site available for viewing; it looks like a significant improvement to me, although we'll have to wait to see how it performs in regular service. Released: 11/23/2015. FCC WEBSITE TO BE REDESIGNED; EXPECTED LAUNCH OF NEW SITE ON DECEMBER 10, 2015. (DA No. 15-1351). CGB . Contact: Deanna Stephens at (202) 418-0421, email: Deanna.Stephens@fcc.gov<mailto:Deanna.Stephens@fcc.gov> or Sarah Millican at (202) 418-4017, email: Sarah.Millican.CTR@fcc.gov<mailto:Sarah.Millican.CTR@fcc.gov>. News Media Contact: Will Wiquist at (202) 418-0509, email: Will.Wiquist@fcc.gov<mailto:Will.Wiquist@fcc.gov> https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-15-1351A1.doc https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-15-1351A1.pdf 73, Dave K1ZZ
participants (1)
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ