[arrl-odv:19183] Parting Remarks

Mike, I share your views that Vice Directors have an important role in ARRL leadership. As successors to Directors, they need to be fully informed on issues and ready to step in, either temporarily or permanently, on a moment's notice. And Vice Directors play an important role in the Committee work of the Board, not to mention the valuable assistance they offer to ARRL and their Divisions in so many other ways. During my three and a half years as Vice Director, the importance of being fully informed was demonstrated on a number of occasions. However, the stated purpose of the motion on Saturday to go into a committee of the whole alluded to personnel matters. I am uncertain as to the extent that personnel information can be legally shared and discussed outside of the Board of Directors. Last December, as you noted in your comments, the issue of whether Vice Directors should be entitled to all information available to Directors was brought up. At that time, our General Counsel Chris Imlay suggested in an email to ODV [arrl-odv:18300] that there might be some information about personnel issues to which Directors are entitled and Vice Directors are not. While recognizing the importance of Vice Directors, Chris noted that Vice Directors are not members of the Board, citing Article 4 of the Articles of Association and Bylaw 14. My personal view is that the exclusion of Vice Directors from debate in a Board meeting should be limited to those situations where there are legal reasons for doing so, or where the majority of the Board believes it is in the best interests of the ARRL. Reasonable minds can disagree on both of those criteria. Ultimately, that judgment is left to the Directors. The Board has committed to transparency and enhanced communications. We should extend that commitment to Vice Directors whenever possible. Thanks for taking the time to express your comments and concerns. Cliff K0CA
participants (1)
Cliff Ahrens