[arrl-odv:33314] Fwd: January Board Meeting

ODV, VD Schilling sent this out on the 17th however it does not look like it made it out of the ODV reflector. His Wife's mother has since passed away on Tuesday. He asked us not to send condolences and wishes all safe travel home. Respectively, Mark, HDX.. (Forward from VD Schilling) All, I will be unable to attend to the January meeting due to a pending death in the family. I am currently at the hospital and they are expected to pass some time tomorrow. I am going to assume everyone will wish to send condolences, but they are not necessary and I thank you. But if you feel you must, understand I got a lot going on and my not respond. Please have a productive meeting and I look forward to hearing the results. 73, Jim Schilling, KG4JSZ Vice Director – Southeastern Division *Serving ARRL members in **Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/KG4JSZ/ Sent from my iPhone
participants (1)
Mark J Tharp