[arrl-odv:11898] ARES and VOAD?

Guys and Gals -- I don't know if this qualifies as ODV material, but since Steve Ewald is out for a week, I figured I ask... I've been invited to a FEMA-sponsored workshop, entitled "Emergency Management: Amateur Resources" later this month while I'm in Albuquerque for Spring Break. The audience will be emergency managers and such from around New Mexico, and I've been asked put a face to the ARRL as well as perhaps speak on current ARRL MOUs and the benefit of local-level MOUs between the local ARES group and served agency. My SEC will be there to speak, too. I received an email from one of the most active ARES groups in New Mexico, and I'm looking for your thoughts primarily since I'm not educated on VOAD with respect to ARES: "It appears that you have been invited to speak on behalf of ARRL. It also appears that someone at the state level is wanting to put ARES/RACES under the control of VOAD. Presently in XXXX County, ARES/RACES is directly under the Emergency Manager and placed in the Communications/Warning section of our Emergency Plan. The use of VOAD for other volunteer services is supportive, but Amateur Radio as emergency communications needs to be directly responsible to the EM, not relayed through an assignment at VOAD. XXXX and myself as DEC/RACES officer, strongly object to this intent. We are aware of the MOA that is between ARRL and VOAD, and support said MOA. VOAD may assist with Amateurs responding from out of state and aiming them in the direction of the EC responsible for Amateur assignements. But allowing VOAD to make assignments deliniates the effectiveness of our organization." First, there's a lot going on here. Perhaps some misconception on the role of VOAD (I share that), and also perhaps misconception of ARES' role on behalf of state officials. I think this needs to be cleared up, especially if there is a possibility of me being asked about this at the FEMA workshop I'm attending. My first thought after reading the above (very legitimate, in my opinion) concern is -- that nobody "controls" ARES except for ARRL and those appointed to lead ARES as the Section local levels. ARES members volunteer service to the community via served agencies, and the closest ARES gets to being "bound" by a served agency is only via an MOU. Am I correct here? Next, what is the role of VOAD with respect to how ARES operates? I don't see an MOU between ARRL and VOAD on the League site...is one available? Aside from my questions above, feel free to speak on this gentleman's concerns. I'd like to offer some sort of explanation to him, but need to learn some things myself. There's also a chance that it will be brought up by some New Mexico state people at this meeting, and I'd need to offer an explanation with some reasoning there. I do intend to speak with Steve Ewald when he returns next week, but figured I might get some additional info here, too. Thanks and 73, Brian, N5ZGT
participants (1)
Brian Mileshosky