[ARRL-ODV:10595] Re: 2004 Dayton Hamvention Attendance?

Frank et al, Here is the schedule of forums for the Hamvention. The first ARRL-related one is at 11:45 AM on Friday. Incidentally, Riley Hollingsworth is listed as participating in the Drake forum. He is not and apparently told the forum organizers he would not ahead of time. He appeared to be a bit perturbed when his name came out as a participant. He said he will be at the FCC form, though. C y'all, Jim W. Forums Schedules 2004 FRIDAY, May 14, 2004 8:15-9:30 Techniques of the Best Operators Room 1 Moderator: Mitch Stern, W1SJ Basics: FM Repeater Operation and Unlearn Bad FM Habits, - Mitch Stern, W1SJ Emergency / Public Service Communications - Mitch Stern, W1SJ and Anthony Pazzola, W2BEJ Basics Operating Equipment How to Help the Experts Contesting: A Great Way to Sharpen Skills - Mitch Stern, W1SJ Why Operate Basics Strategy Skills Equipment 9:45-12:00 TAPR/Digital Forum Room 1 9:45 - 10:00 Introduction and TAPR Update John Ackerman, N8UR 10:00 - 11:00 Software Defined Radio Update Steve Bible, N7HPR and guests 11:00 - 11:15 TAPR Time and Frequency Projects John Ackerman, N8UR 11:15 - 12:00 To be announced 12:15-1:45 ARRL, Ham Radio and Law Welcome/Introduction: (Ohio SGL Reuben Meeks, W8GUC) Room 1 TITLE: HOW GRASSROOTS ACTION GETS LAW MAKERS REACTION MODERATOR: Dick Mondro, W8FQT, Vice Director Great Lakes Division. INTRODUCTION: Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director Great Lakes Division. SPEAKERS: HOW TO INFLUENCE CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVES - Chris Imlay, W3KD, General Counsel ARRL (Our Man in Washington. GETTING STATE LEGISLATORS TO WORK WITH US - Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, Vice Director New England Division. TIGHTEN THAT CINCH & GO DO IT! - Jim Haynie, W5JBP, President ARRL. 2:00-5:00 Antenna Technology Room 1 Bill Parker, W8DMR, "The Basics of How Antennas Work" Dean Straw, N6BV, "Selective Terrain Studies for Optimum HF Station Performance" Tom Rauch, W8JI, "The W8JI Antenna Notebook" Rudy Severns, N6LF, "An Investigation Into Ground Systems for Best HF Performance" Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, "Propagation Software Review" ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ 8:15-9:15 AOR Demonstrates Digital SSB Room 2 Moderator: Jeff Reinhardt, AA6JR Speaker: Melissa Reinhardt, KD6BIT Taka Nakayama, KW6I 9:30-10:30 Collins Radio Room 2 Moderator: David Knepper, W3ST Secretary to the Collins Radio Association Publisher of the Collins Journal 10:45-11:45 QRP Room 2 Moderator: Ken Evans, W4DU, Vice Pres. QRP ARCI Speaker: Jim Stafford, W4QO George Dobbs, G3RJV Jim Stafford, W4QO - Topic: "WHY QRP?" An over view of the fun that QRP operating can be George Dobbs, G3RJV - Topic: "QRP and Building" Ideas on simple rigs that you can build. 12:00-1:15 Kit Building Room 2 Joe Eisenberg, K0NEB 1:30-3:00 Teacher's Workshop with Carole Perry Room 2 Moderator: Carole Perry, WB2MGP Speakers: Dan Miller, K3UFG Larry Dietrich 3:15-5:00 AM Forum Room 2 Moderator: Dale Gagnon, KW1I Program: AM International Update; Great Lakes Area AM Activity - People, Rigs, Events and Issues , Speaker - Steve Marquie, W8TOW ; Restoration of a Collins 30-FX Transmitter, Speaker - Don Benecchi, K1DC ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ 8:15-9:15 Lightning Protection Room 3 Speaker: Ron Cohen, K3ZKO, brings his 32 years of experience in the Two-Way Radio field performing Grounding and Lightning Protection at remote radio locations. Learn how to direct the lightning away from your equipment and house. 9:15-10:30 APRS Room 3 Topic: An Introduction to APRS Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU 10:45-11:45 Gordon West Room 3 Moderator: Gordon West, WB6NOA 12:00-2:00 Amateur Radio and the Law Room 3 Moderator: Jim O'Connell, ARRL Volunteer Counsel Speakers: Chris Imlay, W3KD, ARRL General Counsel Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, ARRL VC and Author Tim Ellam, VE6SH, IARU VP Jay Bellows, K0QB, ARRL Dakota Division Director Topic: Amateur Radio and the Law, "Getting It Up and Keeping It UP" A forum discussion by amateur radio attorneys on legal issues of interests to hams: How to avoid restrictive covenants, present your case for a tower permit, plus info on the latest court rulings on RFI, PRB-1 and towers. Also details on the Home Land Security Program and how hams play a critical support role. 2:15-3:30 ARES Room 3 Moderator: John Chapman, WB8INY, ARRL Section Communications Emergency Coordinator Dan Miller, K3UFG, Arrl CCE EMComm Dick Mondro, W8FQT, Great Lakes Division ARRL 3:45-5:00 10-10 International Forum Room 3 Moderator: Gerry Gross, WA6POZ, #21274, 10-10 Data Manager Speaker: Chuck Imsande, W6YLJ, #19636, 10-10 President Topic: 2004 The State of 10-10, Become or stay active in the years of declining sun spots Upcoming activities, Board Meeting and Elections 8:15-9:15 6 Meters Room 4 Moderator: Ken Neubeck, WB2AMU 9:30-10:30 Proper Grounding Techniques Forum Room 4 10:45-11:45 Short Vertical Antennas and Ground Radials Room4 Moderator: Joel Kleinman, N1BKE Speaker: Jerry Sevick, W2FMI, author of Transmission Line Transformers and many other books and articles, Introduction by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE, Managing Editor, QST 12:00-1:00 RF Safety Room 4 Greg Lapin 1:30-2:45 YLRL Room 4 Moderator: Cheryl Muhr, N0WBV, YLRL President The program will feature YLRL convention news, a new YLRL award for DXCC-YL, visiting DX YLs, YL DXpeditioners, and other current activities. 3:00-5:00 County Hunter Room 4 Moderator: Bob Voss, N4CD Speakers: Lori Peerenboom, KC8HWV Fran Theisen, W8XYL Steve Morton, AA8HH Part 1) County Hunting Introduction and Update 40 meter Activity Report / Antennas CW County Hunting, by Bob Voss, N4CD Part 2) Tales of County Hunting, by Steve Morton, AA8HH Part 3) The YL perspective on County Hunting, by Fran, W9XYL, and Lori, KC8HWV Part 4) New County Hunting Awards Part 5) Open Forum / Question and Answer Session Forums Schedules SATURDAY, May 15, 2004 8:15-9:45 AMSAT Room 1 Moderator: Barry BAINES, WD4ASW, VP-Field Operations, AMSAT-NA Rick HAMBLY, W2GPS "AMSAT OSCAR-Echo Project Spring 2004 Status Report" Gould SMITH, WA4SXM "Echo-From an Operator's Point of View" Frank BAUER, KA3HDO "AMSAT's Future Role in Human Spaceflight Exploration-ARISS, the Moon and Mars" 10:00-12:00 FCC Room 1 Moderator: William T. Cross Public Safety and Private Wireless Division Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Federal Communications Commission And Riley Hollingsworth, FCC, Enforcement Division. 12:15-2:30 ATV; Amateur Television, Fast Scan type Room 1 Moderator: Bill Parker, W8DMR With; Dr. David Clingerman, W6OAL, Speaker Dr. Ralph E. Taggart, WB8DQT, Speaker Bill Brown, WB8ELK, Speaker 2:45-5:00 SSTV Room 1 Moderator: Dr. Don C. Miller, W9NTP Speakers: Mike Tallent, W6MXW; "The Evolution of SSTV (Hardware to Software)" Yoshi Nishimura, JA6URL; "The AOR ARD9800 Digital Voice / SSTV Hardware System" Dave Jones, KB4YZ; "Using DIGTRX (RDFT) Software" 8:15-9:15 Hallicrafters Collectors Forum Room 2 Moderator: JIM DIEGUEZ , WB8DML Speaker: Duane Fischer, W8DBF 9:30-11:30 Drake Forum Room 2 Moderator: Don Spillman, W8NS Speakers: Sindre Torp, LA6OP, WORLDS LARGEST COLLECTOR OF DRAKE RADIOS, SLIDE PRESENTATION. HISTORY OF DRAKE: 1- BY BILL FROST, WD8DFP, ALL OF US KNOW BILL. QUESTION AND ANSWERS ON REPAIRS AND UPDATES: 2-W8PU, GARY, HE HAS BEEN THERE SINCE WE STARTED, MANY YEARS AGO. 3-WA8SAJ, JEFF, BEEN WITH US FROM THE START. 4-POSSIBLY, BOB SHERWOOD, FROM SHERWOOD ENGINERING, MODS FOR DRAKE RADIOS.. 5-RILEY HOLLINGSWORTH, FROM THE FCC. 6- AND OF COURSE K8FFO, STEVE WILL BE A PART OF THIS HISTORY MAKING SESSION 11:45-1:45 Youth In Amateur Radio Room 2 Moderator: Carole Perry, WB2MGP With; Hargobind Khalsa, AB0YL, age 14, "Building New Equipment" Nitkin Shankar, KC0NDS, age 13, "Peer Elmering" Rebecca Rich, KB0VVT, age 16, "Half A Life In Amateur Radio" Aubri Keith, KG4LTB, age 14, "Contesting For Beginners" Hugh Stone Fish, KC2LKB, age 15, and Gerry Gugger, KC2LEJ, age 14, "Setting Up A School Amateur Radio Club" Heather Heininger, KB9ZLB, age 18, and Jake Gerber, age 16, and Adel Brown, KB9OOC, age 14, "Simulating A Net With The Audience" 2:00-5:00 VHF / UHF Forum Room 2 Moderator: Warren Elly, W1GUD 8:30-9:45 ARRL Forum Room 3 Celebrating 90 Years and Planning for the Future. Moderator: Jim Weaver, K8JE, Great Lakes Division Director The Principal speaker is: Jim Haynie, W5JBP, President 10:00-11:30 SATERN Forum Room 3 Moderator: AA8EI Tony Dacres, who hosts this event for The Salvation Army in Ohio. WW9E Major Patrick McPherson, National Director for SATERN. VE3NUZ Major Rick Shirran, Bermuda N9HPO Jeff Schneller, Greater New York K2LCV Carlos Varon, Greater New York N9QT Peggy McNary, Indiana SATERN Coordinator 11:45-12:45 MIDCARS Forum Room 3 Moderator: John Thornton, K9TWV HF Mobile Operations and the Services available to Mobiles Speaker: Tex Martin, KE8SQ 1:00-3:00 Newsline's Live Town Hall Meeting Forum Room 3 "IT'S MORE THAN RADIOS" Keeping The Traditions of Amateur Radio Alive Moderator - Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, Producer - Amateur Radio Newsline, Inc. 1: Keynote Speaker: "It's More Than Radio's": Bob Heil, K9EID, Fairview Heights, IL -Manufacturer, radio-tv host, lecturer. 2: The Tradition of Public Service: Gordon West, WB6NOA, Costa Mesa, CA. - Writer, educator. 3: The Tradition of Morse: Nancy Kott, WZ8C, Metamore, Michigan - U.S. Director of FISTS and Editor of Worldradio Magazine 3:15-4:30 M.A.R.S. Forum Room 3 Army, Navy-Marine Corps and Air Force MARS Chiefs will make presentations on the current status of the three Service MARS programs. There will be a question and answer session following the prepared presentations. 8:15-9:15 Fox Hunting Forum Room 4 Moderators: Dick Arnett, WB4SUV Bob Frey, WA6EZV Brian DeYoung K4BRI TOPICS: Foxhunting Techniques and Equipment HTX202 mods for foxhunting ARDF - USA and World competitions 9:30-12:15 Contesting Forum Room 4 "Prince Edward Island Contesting at VY2ZM: Not Your Basic Caribbean Operation!"Jeff Briggs, K1ZM/VY2ZM "The Contest Apprentice" - starring Tim ("The Tim") Duffy, K3LR, and contestants "Getting Young Hams into Contesting - the VP5X Program" - David Kopacz, KY1V/VP5X, and Daniel Bradke, W2AU "Are We Getting Closer to the Ideal Radio for Contesting?" - Rob Sherwood, NC0B "NCJ Update" - Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, Editor, National Contest Journal "Panel Discussion: A Look Back at 25 Years of Contesting" - featuring the Class of 1979 12:30-3:15 DXing Forum Room 4 Moderator: Jay Slough, K4ZLE Speakers: Rick Dorsch, NE8Z/HC2MD Ivan Davies, G3IZD/3B9C Fred Matos, W3ICM/YI3DX Wayne Mills, N7NG George Allendorf Ruth Allendorf 3:30-5:00 Gordon West Forum Room 4 Gordon West WB6NOA Moderator Forums Schedules SUNDAY, May 16, 2004 8:30-10:00 ARRL Public Relations Forum Room 1 Moderator: Jim McDonald, KB9LEI Title of forum: 90 Minutes...to get 90 Ideas for Promoting Ham Radio in the ARRL's 90th Anniversary Year Description: The 2004 Public Relations Forum will cover a range of topics, from how field membership can be informed about BPL (and how to speak on the topic), to publicity tips for your local club during the 90th Anniversary of the League. Come join us for 90 minutes of tips, story ideas and reference materials! Speakers: Sherri Brower, W4STB Jeff Reinhardt, AA6JR Rich Moseson, W2VU Bill Morine, N2COP Tim Lewallen, KD5ING 10:15-12:00 ARRL Technology Task Force Room 1 Howard Huntington, K9KM Moderator, Central Division Vice Director, Chairman Technology Task Force Speakers: 10:30 HSMM Working Group. Mark Williams, AB8LN, VPN Project Leader Update on merging amateur radio and computer networking technology RMAN (Radio Metropolitan Area Networks): Multiple approaches to linking HSMM Nodes. 11:00 Digital Voice Working Group. Yoshi Nishimura, JA6UHL. AOR ADR-9800 Digital Voice technical development and operating. 11:30 Matt Yellen, KB7TSE. Icom D-STAR development. SDR Software Defined Radio Working Group. Gerald Youngblood, AC5OG; Bob McGwier, N4HY Software Defined Radio Advancement Through Open Source Development on the Flex Radio Systems SDR-1000 ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ 8:30-10:30 Echolink-VOIP Room2 James I Millner, WB2REM and Terry Giles, G4CDY The Echolink-VoIP forum moderated by VoIP Interface Designers Jim, WB2REM and Terry, G4CDY will include a historical perspective of Internet Linking, a presentation of the different VoIP systems, discussion of future trends and a question and answer period. Jonathan, K1RFD the developer of Echolink and Dave Cameron, VE7LTD the creator of IRLP will be guest speakers on the panel. This is an event not to be missed!! ____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ 8:30-10:00 VOA, Voice to the World Room 3 Alan L. Heil, Jr., worked for the Voice of America from 1962 until he retired in 1998. He held various positions at VOA, including foreign correspondent, chief of News and Current Affairs, deputy director of programs, deputy director of all of VOA and acting director of VOA. VOA programs have been heard by 'hams' and shortwave listeners (SWLs)for years. Mr. Heil's recently published book, "Voice of America: A History" gives you an opportunity understand the history and the way VOA has grown over the last 61 years. 10:15-11:15 Bicycle Hams Room 3 Moderator: Russ Dwarshuis, KB8U Speaker: Phillip Michaels, KC2GFV ____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ 8:30-9:30 Skywarn Room 4 "Chris Novy,WA9V, has worked with emergency management and SKYWARN for more than 25 years. As a storm chaser, amateur radio operator, and former TV reporter, Chris brings his unique experiences to this forum." "This all-video SKYWARN class utilizes the latest footage to illustrate topics including forecast preparation, severe weather driving techniques, difficult storm feature identification, and radio reporting techniques. While the class provides specialized training for existing spotters, it also covers the basics so new spotters can quickly get up to speed. This forum is not your typical SKYWARN presentation and is a must-see." 11:30 All Forums Closed AMATEUR RADIO: The only fail-safe communications system in the world. ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio is! Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040-9660, Tel. 513-459-0142, E-mail k8je@arrl.org
participants (1)
James Weaver