[ARRL-ODV:7793] Re: ARRLWeb: Ham-Led Transatlantic Model Airplane Flight Under Way

These guys still have a web site up. The plan was to launch up to four planes. The first two dropped in the drink shortly after launching. The third made it a bit further before being lost. From the web site, it appears that the fourth plane was never launched. No word why or why not. It was an interesting exercise. Maybe next year! 73, Wade W0EJ Frank Fallon wrote:
Nothing serious here folks. Just the Friday funnies.
Perhaps you remember this story?
I never saw a follow up and wondered what had happened. The story tickled my funny bone so I set off the following to Rick Linquist this
Subject: One of our Aircraft is missing....
NLI ARES groups set out in high winds and rough seas to see if they could find survivors of the ill fated radio controlled trans Atlantic flight. Portuguese fishing boats had reported sighting a small balsa wood figure of a pilot floating south west of the Grand Banks on Wednesday. But no word since of the fate of "Hiram Percy Lindbergh".
Seriously, Rick, what happened ot the flight???????
73 and have a good weekend, especially if you plan to join the search party.
Rick responded that he really didn't know and there was no story. I think there is because I can't help but picture a few small balsa wood
pilot heads propped up down at the end of some pub in County Kerry with a few pints in from of them saying, "And those poor ham radio lads out
in all this rain looking for us. Aw, it's terrible."
Have a good weekend wherever your propped up.
participants (1)
Wade Walstrom